International Debate

SSRC, Social Science One Name Social Media Research Grantees
May 7, 2019

SSRC, Social Science One Name Social Media Research Grantees

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Fast Professor: WeChat and Future Academe
Higher Education Reform
May 6, 2019

Fast Professor: WeChat and Future Academe

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Monika Krause on Humanitarian Aid
International Debate
May 1, 2019

Monika Krause on Humanitarian Aid

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Hate Speech on Social Media Undermines Important UN Declarations
International Debate
April 22, 2019

Hate Speech on Social Media Undermines Important UN Declarations

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What Can We Afford to Forget If Machines Do Our Remembering?

What Can We Afford to Forget If Machines Do Our Remembering?

Outsourcing our memories — or actually forgetting once-vital skills that no longer matter in our daily lives — has always been with humanity. But how does the drift to artificial intelligence reflect what’s always been the case versus what should be a special case?

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Thoughts on Gender in the 21st Century University Environment

Thoughts on Gender in the 21st Century University Environment

In May 2017 a small band of researchers at Bournemouth University organized a workshop on “Gender and Sexuality in the 21st Century.” The participants’ openness to a discussion on sexuality, gender, and emotion began to expose this latest generation’s “ambivalence,” even “dissonance,” regarding concepts such as “gender” and “sexuality.”

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Whatever Happened to Conservative Social Thought?

Whatever Happened to Conservative Social Thought?

In the wake of Brexit, Robert Dingwall asks a series of probing questions about the eclipse of Conservative Social Thought at universities, such as when did the social sciences last have a serious engagement with the institutions of the bourgeoisie, even though by income and status many of us would belong to that class?

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Might Campus Free Speech Laws Muzzle Some Speech?

Might Campus Free Speech Laws Muzzle Some Speech?

Some language in campus speech legislation may be largely symbolic and not change what many colleges are already doing. But, argues Neal Hutchens, some provisions in legislation could change campus speech rules in important ways.

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What’s That? The Replication Crisis is Good for Science?

What’s That? The Replication Crisis is Good for Science?

The ‘replication crisis’ certainly is uncomfortable for many scientists whose work gets undercut, and the rate of failures may currently be unacceptably high. But psychologist and statistician Eric Loken argues that confronting the replication crisis is good for science as a whole.

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At a Glance: The UK’s Twin-track Approach to Measuring Impact

At a Glance: The UK’s Twin-track Approach to Measuring Impact

In his second article in a series on impact, Louis Coiffait looks at how REF and KEF treat impact in the UK.

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Les Back on Migrants

Les Back on Migrants

Reflecting on his new book Migrant City, Goldsmiths sociologist Les Back tells interviewer David Edmonds in this Social Science Bites podcast, co-author and co-researcher Shamser Sinha and Back learned their work was “not really just a migrants’ story; it’s the story of London but told through and eyes, ears and attentiveness of 30 adult migrants from all corners of the world.”

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Are Gender Studies Under Assault Globally?

Are Gender Studies Under Assault Globally?

The war on gender studies is a pillar in the authoritarian critique of liberalism. But for many scholars, argues Jennifer Evans, it is a sign of the times for liberal democracies as well.

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