International Debate

Shaken and Stirred: Christakis on Re-ordering Social Science
Higher Education Reform
October 13, 2014

Shaken and Stirred: Christakis on Re-ordering Social Science

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A Primer for the Public: 10 Tips for Interpreting Research
International Debate
October 8, 2014

A Primer for the Public: 10 Tips for Interpreting Research

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Locating International Relations on the Social Science Map
October 7, 2014

Locating International Relations on the Social Science Map

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World University Rankings: The Haves Have It
Higher Education Reform
October 2, 2014

World University Rankings: The Haves Have It

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The Scottish Referendum: Social Science and National Identity

The Scottish Referendum: Social Science and National Identity

As the independence vote moves from all-consuming question to historical incident, what are the lessons that Scottish universities and in particular Scottish social scientists should take away?

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Can Greater Transparency Lead to Better Social Science?

Can Greater Transparency Lead to Better Social Science?

The political science journal Comparative Political Studies is experimenting for one special issue in which articles will be judged based on reviewers’ evaluations of what authors intend to do rather than what they report as their findings.

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It Matters When Science is Misunderstood

It Matters When Science is Misunderstood

A much-shared screed against various types of science –including, predictably, most social science–has James Dyke scratching his head and quoting Wolfgang Pauli: ‘This isn’t right. This isn’t even wrong.’

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Social Science in the News

Social Science in the News

Making Social Science Relevant Again: Engaging Students Through Wicked Problems From Big Think The most frequently voiced criticisms of higher education is that […]

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L’affaire Salaita: Can Activism Go a Tweet Too Far?

L’affaire Salaita: Can Activism Go a Tweet Too Far?

Social media allows scholars to discuss and debate current affairs like never before, but on a very public stage. Brent E. Sasley and Mira Sucharov examine and assess one academic’s tweets on the Israel-Gaza crisis and the questions raised over his style and approach.

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European Scientists Fear Data Protection Overreach

European Scientists Fear Data Protection Overreach

Raising the drumbeat of alarm before a final European Parliament ruling later this year, a coalition of the continent’s research organizations have made explicit their opposition to new rules that they say would impede social science and medical research.

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Replication Is More Common, But Still Too Rare

Replication Is More Common, But Still Too Rare

A study of the 100 top journals in education research found that there’s still almost no effort made to replicate the findings they publish.

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Is Doctor Who a Sociologist?

Is Doctor Who a Sociologist?

Doctor Who’s sobriquet implies he’s earned a doctorate in something. The Doctor’s not telling what he might have studied, but his actions and attitudes make a strong case for one discipline …

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