International Debate

Why Social Science Research Matters
International Debate
August 8, 2013

Why Social Science Research Matters

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A Guide for These Uncertain Times
International Debate
July 30, 2013

A Guide for These Uncertain Times

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The Sociologist, the Consultant, the University and the Real World
International Debate
July 28, 2013

The Sociologist, the Consultant, the University and the Real World

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News
July 28, 2013

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

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Why Social Science Education is as Important as STEM…

Why Social Science Education is as Important as STEM…

A recent Ipsos-Mori survey reveals the crucial role that social science has to play in modern democracy, a role which is frequently sabotaged.

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Defensive Political Science Responds Defensively to an Attack

Defensive Political Science Responds Defensively to an Attack

I have studied racial profiling, and I can assure you that this work is not about the claim “that people are racially biased.” I can also assure you that, whatever it is we have learned, it’s not true that “everyone knows” it.

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Attacks on US Funding of Social Science Will Continue to Intensify

Attacks on US Funding of Social Science Will Continue to Intensify

Recent events in Congress suggest the attacks on funding will not only continue but will intensify. It is also worth remembering that these attacks are just the latest in a long standing effort by conservatives to eliminate funding for social science.

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When Tenure-Track Faculty Take On the Problem of Adjunctification

When Tenure-Track Faculty Take On the Problem of Adjunctification

What one group of tenure-track faculty did to fight for the dignity and success of their adjunct colleagues, and for the ultimate survival of academia. Read how they’re exceeding all expectations, and how you can bring the fight to your own institution.

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Living Death in the Academy

Living Death in the Academy

David Canter reveals the plague that is infecting education.

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Social Science Must Change to Realise Its Full Value

Social Science Must Change to Realise Its Full Value

Social scientists have nothing to fear from the impact agenda, but must be more willing to talk to “strangers” such as the government in order to realise their full value – a talk by Prof. John Brewer

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Scientists Take Their Concerns to Capitol Hill

Scientists Take Their Concerns to Capitol Hill

A group of Maryland-based scientists visited Capitol Hill on Friday, June 14th to talk about the impact of diminished federal funding for science, […]

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Universities for the Post-Democratic Age

Universities for the Post-Democratic Age

Critical scholarship and intellectual dissent are currently being closed down in favour of a model of academic life that accords scholars a limited role as purveyors of practically useful skills in ‘real-world’ labour markets.

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