International Debate

Save the Humanities—From Themselves
Academic Funding
June 21, 2013

Save the Humanities—From Themselves

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‘I Became a Scholar in Order to Become a Better Activist’
June 17, 2013

‘I Became a Scholar in Order to Become a Better Activist’

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UK backs Social Science, the World benefits
Academic Funding
June 13, 2013

UK backs Social Science, the World benefits

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The War We Are (Regrettably) Not Fighting
May 29, 2013

The War We Are (Regrettably) Not Fighting

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Can Brands be Intellectuals?

Can Brands be Intellectuals?

As an academic, you are a brand not only as a matter of choice, but, increasingly, due to powerful institutional imperatives that are becoming harder and harder to ignore.

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Groped at Luton Airport: Accountability and the Security State

Groped at Luton Airport: Accountability and the Security State

I was still wearing my belt and triggered the detection gate. What followed was the most intrusive search that I have experienced at any UK or US airport.

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Making the Case for the Social Sciences: Longitudinal Research

Making the Case for the Social Sciences: Longitudinal Research

In June we will launch the latest Making the Case for the Social Sciences booklet, which highlights important recent longitudinal research into education, health and other social issues.

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Happy Birthday Social Science Bites!

Happy Birthday Social Science Bites!

SAGE’s Global Publishing Director, Ziyad Marar talks with Nigel Warburton and David Edmonds about the one year anniversary of Social Science Bites.

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The Myth of Academic Stardom

The Myth of Academic Stardom

The recent and on-going reforms of higher education are enforcing an individualisation of academic labour. That academics would gamely play along with such a system is astonishing.

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The Branded Sociologist: Can We Still Be On Anyone’s Side?

The Branded Sociologist: Can We Still Be On Anyone’s Side?

Sociology is a brand. To survive or even thrive in the academic marketplace, sociology needs to take care of its image. But at what cost?

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Congressional Briefing on social surveys and statistics (American Academy of Political and Social Science)

Congressional Briefing on social surveys and statistics (American Academy of Political and Social Science)

Last month The American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS) put together a Congressional Briefing on the impact of falling response rates to social surveys and what can be done about it.

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The Nonresponse Challenge to Surveys and Statistics

The Nonresponse Challenge to Surveys and Statistics

Survey researchers are increasingly unable to get people to respond to surveys. This is a real worry because nonresponse can lead to biased research and because nonresponse poses a significant threat to the federal statistical system in its entirety.

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