International Debate

‘Rick Perry’s anti-science America’
Academic Funding
September 28, 2011

‘Rick Perry’s anti-science America’

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‘In defence of public higher education’
Academic Funding
September 27, 2011

‘In defence of public higher education’

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Stirling vs Philip Morris: A car-crash for social science?
September 18, 2011

Stirling vs Philip Morris: A car-crash for social science?

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Learning to Be Illegal
September 14, 2011

Learning to Be Illegal

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Schools for Democracy

Schools for Democracy

Some labor unions actively involve their members, including those who are immigrants, in workplace and political campaigns. How does this labor union […]

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Boredom can fuel hostility toward outsiders

Boredom can fuel hostility toward outsiders

In a recent article in Miller-McCune Magazine, Tom Jacobs discusses new research that explains how feelings of boredom can both strengthen solidarity […]

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‘Happiness, philosophy and science’

‘Happiness, philosophy and science’

Gary Gutting explores the science of happiness in a blog-post for the New York Times, and looks at the data on correlations […]

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Raising our children in an electronic media world

Raising our children in an electronic media world

By Jerome L. Singer and Dorothy G. Singer, Yale University One of the greatest developments of the nineteenth century in industrial Europe, […]

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Empowerment evaluation: turning evaluation on its head

Empowerment evaluation: turning evaluation on its head

Empowerment evaluation is designed to help people take control over their own lives and accomplish their dreams.  People learn how to monitor […]

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Bad data or no data leads to policy blind spots…

Bad data or no data leads to policy blind spots…

Over the last decade the hallowed principle of ‘evidence-based policy-making’ has become cliché in government and policy circles in the UK, and […]

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‘Thou shall not commit a social science’

‘Thou shall not commit a social science’

Eduardo de la Fuente writes in ‘The Australian’ that WH Auden might have got it right when he quipped that the goal […]

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Riots, respect and research

Riots, respect and research

Mindless, crass, materialistic, and, probably most unforgiveable by those on the left, apolitical. Those are the common descriptors of, principally, the young […]

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