International Debate

Protecting research degrees: why we must continue to train PhD students
August 9, 2011

Protecting research degrees: why we must continue to train PhD students

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New national synthesis center to bring together environmental and social science
International Debate
August 9, 2011

New national synthesis center to bring together environmental and social science

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What should be on the research skills curriculum for undergraduates?
International Debate
August 1, 2011

What should be on the research skills curriculum for undergraduates?

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Are we sleepwalking into the US higher education system’s mistakes?
Academic Funding
August 1, 2011

Are we sleepwalking into the US higher education system’s mistakes?

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International affairs and the public sphere

International affairs and the public sphere

Stephen M. Walt writes on Foreign Policy about the role that academics should play in public discourse about major social issues, including […]

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National Science Foundation responds to Senate staff report

National Science Foundation responds to Senate staff report

Eddie Bernice Johnson, Ranking Minority Member of the National Science Foundation Committee, has released a  staff report refuting a recent Senate report […]

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Do doctors make the best hospital administrators?

Do doctors make the best hospital administrators?

A recent paper in the journal Social Science and Medicine found a strong association between having a physician manage a hospital and […]

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All out war: media coverage of for-profit higher education

All out war: media coverage of for-profit higher education

Tim Gramling’s study, “All Out War: Media Coverage of For-Profit Education,” recently published in SAGE Open, systematically charts the frequency and intensity […]

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Don’t know much about geography

Don’t know much about geography

National geography-test scores released in the US last week – part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress – revealed that US […]

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The human paradox that is common sense

The human paradox that is common sense

Duncan Watts writes in New Scientist that ‘common sense’ can help us make sense of human behaviour – but can also undermine […]

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Raise that pulse, share that link

Raise that pulse, share that link

Tom Jacobs reports in Miller McCune Magazine on a recent study which finds anxiety, amusement, and even exercise, can compel people to share information. […]

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RACE: Are we so different?

RACE: Are we so different?

The American Anthropological Association  presents the science, history and lived experience of race in the United States in Smithsonian National History Museum […]

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