
Making a Sudden Transition to Teaching Online:  Suggestions and Resources
March 16, 2020

Making a Sudden Transition to Teaching Online: Suggestions and Resources

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16 Answers to Your Questions about Teaching Online
March 16, 2020

16 Answers to Your Questions about Teaching Online

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Coronavirus UK: Self-Isolation Must Not Mean Self-Imprisonment
March 15, 2020

Coronavirus UK: Self-Isolation Must Not Mean Self-Imprisonment

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Don’t Tell Me ‘Don’t Panic …’
March 12, 2020

Don’t Tell Me ‘Don’t Panic …’

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When Updates End

When Updates End

t’s Academic Book Week 2020! The theme this year is the environment, and makers, providers and readers of academic books will be celebrating them as vehicles for ground-breaking ideas. To kick off the week, David Beer, author of ‘The Data Gaze,’ discusses the notion of ‘digital atrophy’ and consumer capitalism within the technological and social environment we inhabit.

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Status List of 2020 Social Science Conference Cancellations

Status List of 2020 Social Science Conference Cancellations

Status List of 2020 Social and Behavioral Science Conferences Amid concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus and its accompanying disease, […]

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AAPSS Names Five 2020 Fellows

AAPSS Names Five 2020 Fellows

Swelling its total roll call of fellows to 140 elected in the past two decades, the directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science have elected five distinguished scholars to be inducted as fellows of the AAPSS. Katherine Cramer, Eric Foner, Helen Milner, Mario Small, and Bruce Western will be inducted at a ceremony in October.

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Jargon May Be Even Worse for Communicating Complexity Than You Thought

Jargon May Be Even Worse for Communicating Complexity Than You Thought

Jargon, a specialized language or set of expressions used by a specific group, is by its nature exclusionary, so it’s likely no surprise that scientific, technical or legal jargon may leave outsiders in the cold. A series of studies from researchers at Ohio State University suggests that jargon may turn off people well beyond an offending passage, and that one popular way to soften any harm – using jargon but immediately defining it – may not work.

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Coronavirus, Wuhan, and Social Science

Coronavirus, Wuhan, and Social Science

As a social scientist in globalization studies, I am interested in the role some of the less visible layers of globalization — such as awareness of our connections with the lives of people elsewhere — have in shaping our responses, including emotional responses, to global threats, like this one and those to come…

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Understanding The Most Widely Used Occupational Therapy Measure

Understanding The Most Widely Used Occupational Therapy Measure

Since its debut in the Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy in 1990, the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure has been adopted by, more than 40 countries across healthcare professions, and as such is the most widely used occupational therapy measure in the world. The article has received 490 citations according to CrossRef and has been cited, according to Google Scholar, 843 times.

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The Social Science of Gift Wrapping (Sloppy is Better!)

The Social Science of Gift Wrapping (Sloppy is Better!)

Does a beautiful presentation actually lead to a better-liked gift? Or is it the other way around? There happens to be some research on that …

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Opportunity: NSF Seeks Social Science Research on STEM

Opportunity: NSF Seeks Social Science Research on STEM

The National Science Foundation (NSF) will be accepting applications for the Science and Technology Studies (STS) Program. With an estimated program funding of 6,200,000 (to be awarded among 40 different researchers), this is an opportunity worth considering.

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