
16th Annual AERA Brown Lecture in Education Research
September 27, 2019

16th Annual AERA Brown Lecture in Education Research

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NSF Changing How It Positions Many Social Science Programs
September 27, 2019

NSF Changing How It Positions Many Social Science Programs

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NAS Takes Detailed Look at Reproducibility and Replicability
September 23, 2019

NAS Takes Detailed Look at Reproducibility and Replicability

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Immigration Court’s Active Backlog Surpasses One Million
September 19, 2019

Immigration Court’s Active Backlog Surpasses One Million

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Fudged Research Results Erode People’s Trust in Experts

Fudged Research Results Erode People’s Trust in Experts

A database of retractions shows hundreds of academic articles with Australian authors have been withdrawn. Research misconduct threatens to corrode trust in academic qualifications and publications.

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Why Heavy Metal is a Valid – and Vital – PhD Subject

Why Heavy Metal is a Valid – and Vital – PhD Subject

For most people, the idea of academia and heavy metal coming together under a single roof represents a paradox. It’s a misplaced assumption built on ingrained ideas about these two cultural forms.

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South Africa’s Universal Man: Johnny Clegg, 1953-2019

South Africa’s Universal Man: Johnny Clegg, 1953-2019

The late South African musician Johnny Clegg was also an anthropologist both formally, as a lecturer on ethnography, and informally as he continued a teaching career from the stage.

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NSF Latest U.S. Agency to Scrutinize Foreign Role in Research

NSF Latest U.S. Agency to Scrutinize Foreign Role in Research

The U.S. National Science Foundation has followed other research-based government agencies in trying to ring-fence American research from collaborative and acquisitive foreign actors. Could they mean China?

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Why Does the British Labour Party Struggle with Antisemitism?

Why Does the British Labour Party Struggle with Antisemitism?

Britain’s Labour Party historically had strong ties to the idea and later the state of Israel. Now a host of factors are challenging the traditional connection to Zionism and even raising concerns of antisemitism.

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Sage 1477 News

By participating in this promotion each individual (an “Entrant”) agrees to be bound by these Official Rules and by the decisions of […]

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How can Social Media Help After Terror Attacks?

How can Social Media Help After Terror Attacks?

What can social media platforms do after terrorist attacks? Bertie Vidgen believes that social media could actually stop more hateful content in the aftermath of a terror attack.

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The World is Due a Revolution in Economics

The World is Due a Revolution in Economics

In economics classes, relentless growth is an unquestioned dogma. Yet this same economic growth is rapidly ripping apart the ecological foundations of our world.

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