
Data Systems & GovTech Apps Impacts Students Positively
April 18, 2018

Data Systems & GovTech Apps Impacts Students Positively

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The Gender Pay Gap Persists at Canadian Universities
April 5, 2018

The Gender Pay Gap Persists at Canadian Universities

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Washington and Social Science: Science Chair Still Questions Value
April 5, 2018

Washington and Social Science: Science Chair Still Questions Value

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Democracy Threatened When Census Undercounts Populations
April 2, 2018

Democracy Threatened When Census Undercounts Populations

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How Do You Feel About Companies With Personal Data

How Do You Feel About Companies With Personal Data

The recent revelation that Cambridge Analytica was able to acquire the Facebook data led to a surge of interest and questions around what companies do with people’s data. Amidst all of this, little attention has been paid to the feelings of those whose data are used, shared, and acted upon.

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COSSA, Others Fear Fallout from Census Including Citizenship Question

COSSA, Others Fear Fallout from Census Including Citizenship Question

UPDATED: Many academic groups that use U.S Census data for research fear the negative effects of including a question about citizenship on the 2020 count. “Adding a new citizenship question to the 2020 Census would destroy any chance for an accurate count, discard years of careful research, and increase costs significantly,” wrote The Leadership Conference, an umbrella group.

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What Exactly is ‘Psychographics’?

What Exactly is ‘Psychographics’?

Cambridge Analytica’s approach to crunching social media data represents a step change in how analytics can today be used as a tool to generate insights – and to exert influence.

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US Budget Omnibus Increases Federally Funded Research Spending

US Budget Omnibus Increases Federally Funded Research Spending

Months into the 2018 fiscal year, the U.S. Congress approved and the president today signed a $1.3 trillion spending plan for the existing fiscal year that increases National Science Foundation funding to $7.77 billion and does not cut social science research funding.

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Academy of Management Report on Measuring Scholarly Impact

Academy of Management Report on Measuring Scholarly Impact

Usha Haley shares findings of a recent Academy of Management report that sought to answer the impact of scholarly research. By surveying 20,000 members & conducting a selection of interviews, most scholars felt the present system of evaluation and rankings has led to an over reliance on traditional techniques and methodologies, and even “junk science”.

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Washington and Social Science: The President’s Decimation of Social Science

Washington and Social Science: The President’s Decimation of Social Science

While Congress will have the final say on the fiscal year 2019 budget, the budget proposal offered by President Trump would cut the National Science Foundation’s spending on social science would be cut by more than 10 percent.

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Educational Reforms Still Have No Answer for School System

Educational Reforms Still Have No Answer for School System

The Gates Foundation is regrouping after its latest school improvement disappointment, but it’s not bowing out of the education reform business. As the philanthropic powerhouse led by Bill and Melinda Gates explained in their latest annual letter to the public, it ended its effort to overhaul teacher evaluation systems after determining that these efforts were failing to generate intended results.

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Ignorance and Interdisciplinary Work: Field Notes from the Social Science Foo Camp

Ignorance and Interdisciplinary Work: Field Notes from the Social Science Foo Camp

The first-ever “Social Science FOO Camp” was held a couple weeks ago at the Facebook headquarters in California. What’s a Social Science Foo Camp? According to Tom Kecskemethy, director of the AAPSS, “its a hard-to-describe ‘un-conference,’ for the uninitiated.” Follow Tom in this post as he shares his perspective on the FOO camp and explains what he learned.

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