
Revisiting Social Science Space Articles on the Election
November 7, 2016

Revisiting Social Science Space Articles on the Election

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In Defense of the Trigger Warning
November 3, 2016

In Defense of the Trigger Warning

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Mary Ellen O’Connell Promoted to Head DBASSE
Recent Appointments
October 31, 2016

Mary Ellen O’Connell Promoted to Head DBASSE

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In This Indebted World, Austerity May Be Forever
October 20, 2016

In This Indebted World, Austerity May Be Forever

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A Pioneer of Cognitive Science: Whitman Richards, 1932-2016

A Pioneer of Cognitive Science: Whitman Richards, 1932-2016

One of the first four graduates of MIT’s Department of Psychology and a pioneer for data-intensive studies of vision and cognition, Whitman Richards died on Sept. 16 at his home. He was 84.

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Jean-Marc Mangin Steps Down as Head of Canada’s HSS Umbrella Federation

Jean-Marc Mangin Steps Down as Head of Canada’s HSS Umbrella Federation

After more six years at the helm of Canada’s Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Jean-Marc Mangin has stepped down. Christine Tausig Ford, formerly of Universities Canada,has been named interim executive director.

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Archived Webinar: A Debate on Academic Freedom

Archived Webinar: A Debate on Academic Freedom

On September 27, as part of Social Science Space’s series on academic freedom, three of the contributors to that series – Daniel Nehring, Dylan Kerrigan, and Joanna Williams – participated in an hour-long webinar to discuss some of the issues at the heart of this issue.

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How Much Do Campaigns (and Debates) Really Matter?

How Much Do Campaigns (and Debates) Really Matter?

The American presidential campaign season, official and unofficial, seems essentially endless. But as the US enters the homestretch for 2016, Howard Silver wonders how much all this sound and fury really matters to voters

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Why Chan and Zuckerberg Cannot Cure All Diseases

Why Chan and Zuckerberg Cannot Cure All Diseases

We often use the metaphor of a war to describe the human struggle against disease. This is a very unhelpful way of thinking, because it generates the sort of hubris exemplified by the Chan Zuckerberg program.

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Canadian Science Minister Funds More than 1,000 SSH Projects

Canadian Science Minister Funds More than 1,000 SSH Projects

Canada’s first-ever Minister of Science spends more than a billion dollars on science projects in a busy week.

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Best Evidence and the What Works Clearinghouse

Best Evidence and the What Works Clearinghouse

Jean Stockard and Tim Wood looked at the U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse and asked a very similar question – does this work? They found that the answer is often no, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

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The Sociologist of Informal Labour: Sharit Bhowmik, 1948-2016

The Sociologist of Informal Labour: Sharit Bhowmik, 1948-2016

Sociologist Sharit Kumar Bhowmik, best known for his work on informal labor and most specifically on street vendors in India, has died.

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