
Stories of Research to Reality: Kerric Harvey
July 2, 2015

Stories of Research to Reality: Kerric Harvey

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Social Science in the News
International Debate
June 23, 2015

Social Science in the News

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Stories of Research to Reality: Michael Reisch
June 18, 2015

Stories of Research to Reality: Michael Reisch

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The Response to Tim Hunt’s Sexist Remarks is Deeply Flawed
International Debate
June 15, 2015

The Response to Tim Hunt’s Sexist Remarks is Deeply Flawed

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When Science and Politics Collide: Panelists Respond

When Science and Politics Collide: Panelists Respond

Earlier this month Social Science Space and the American Academy of Political and Social Science held their debut joint webinar, titled When […]

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Tell Us What Social Science Will Look Like in 2065

Tell Us What Social Science Will Look Like in 2065

Sage 792 News

The social sciences are often marginalized in society and by government funding, characterized as ‘problematic disciplines’ whose impact is often misunderstood and […]

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SSRC Gets $3 Million to Study Research Methods

SSRC Gets $3 Million to Study Research Methods

The founder of the academic publisher SAGE has given the Social Science Research Council $3 million from her own pocket to advance […]

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The Game Theorist: John Nash, 1928-2015

The Game Theorist: John Nash, 1928-2015

The impact of John Nash’s initial work has been immense over the past 65 years. It seems certain that in his absence, the frameworks and mathematical language he refined and developed will continue to provide new insights into a diverse range of problems.

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Antibiotic Resistance – Missing the Point?

Antibiotic Resistance – Missing the Point?

There is no point in improving the innovation pipeline for antibiotics, argues Robert Dingwall, if the drugs that come out at the end all fall into the same chaotic patterns of use as today.

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Taliban Kills Social Scientist in Hotel Attack

Taliban Kills Social Scientist in Hotel Attack

Paula Kantor, an American social scientist working to improve the lot of women and children in Afghanistan, was among 13 civilians killed Thursday in an attack on a guesthouse in Kabul.

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NSF Cites Mixed Messages in Current COMPETES Bill

NSF Cites Mixed Messages in Current COMPETES Bill

The National science Foundation sees a number of contradictions in the funding reauthorization bill known as America COMPETES that it reckons would reduce the nation’s competitiveness.

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Too Much Crime Fiction at the Election: Politicians Warned Over Misleading manifesto Claims

Too Much Crime Fiction at the Election: Politicians Warned Over Misleading manifesto Claims

The general election manifestos of five of the UK’s biggest parties contain sweeping claims about the causes of crime and policies to reduce it. Experts are warning today that such broad statements are nearly always wrong, and are calling on politicians to stop misleading voters.

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