
Latest COMPETES Bill Heads to House Floor
Academic Funding
April 23, 2015

Latest COMPETES Bill Heads to House Floor

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Awaiting Academic Success? When Frogs Fly
April 23, 2015

Awaiting Academic Success? When Frogs Fly

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To Better Social Policies, Listen to Beneficiaries
April 14, 2015

To Better Social Policies, Listen to Beneficiaries

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What do MPs Think of Randomised Controlled Trials?
International Debate
April 14, 2015

What do MPs Think of Randomised Controlled Trials?

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Democracy’s Statistician: Janet L. Norwood, 1923-2015

Democracy’s Statistician: Janet L. Norwood, 1923-2015

Unflappable and nonpartisan, the late economist Janet Norwood blazed a path as a pioneering female statistician and bureaucrat who served multiple presidents as the commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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Social Science in the News

Social Science in the News

Race to remain important variable in social science research, says Saifuddin – Bernama The Malaysian Insider Race will continue to be an […]

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Treating Science as Politics Does No One Any Favors

Treating Science as Politics Does No One Any Favors

Although the GOP is usually fingered as anti-science, biased attitudes toward scientific information and trust in the scientific community can be found among liberals and conservatives alike, new research shows. As you might expect, biases vary based on the science topic being considered.

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Philosopher of Fun: Brian Sutton-Smith, 1924-2015

Philosopher of Fun: Brian Sutton-Smith, 1924-2015

New Zealand native Brian Sutton-Smith, a developmental psychologist who brought study of fun off the playground and into the classroom, passed away earlier this month at age 90.

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Social Scientists Swarm Capitol Hill for a Day

Social Scientists Swarm Capitol Hill for a Day

With a new Congress expected to take up old causes that might not sit well with the science community, a consortium of social and behavioral science associations brought the message home to legislators that social science was part of their district, too.

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Freeing Biz School from the Blah-Blah-Blahs

Freeing Biz School from the Blah-Blah-Blahs

The eternal conflict between the abstract and the applicable haunts the halls of many business schools. One way to help close the gap between research and practice is to re-examine how ‘impact’ is measured in the field.

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Campaign Does Have a Public View of Public’s Science

Campaign Does Have a Public View of Public’s Science

A critique of the recent pre-general election ‘Business of People’ report has lead the chair of the organization behind the report, Britain’s Campaign for Social Science, to respond to arguments that social scientists should not be asking for increases in government spending on science and research.

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Social Scientists Busy in Run-up to UK’s General Election

Social Scientists Busy in Run-up to UK’s General Election

Academic researchers – not just media pundits – should have their say in holding policy promises to account. Jonathan Breckon charts the various activities around the United Kingdom aimed at providing a rigorous evidence base in the run-up to the General Election.

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