
American Community Survey Back in the Frying Pan
March 3, 2015

American Community Survey Back in the Frying Pan

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Social Science in the News
International Debate
February 27, 2015

Social Science in the News

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Tomorrow’s Britain Needs Social Science Today, Report Argues
Academic Funding
February 23, 2015

Tomorrow’s Britain Needs Social Science Today, Report Argues

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Ebola – WHO (Still) Don’t Get It: Social Science Saves Lives
International Debate
February 9, 2015

Ebola – WHO (Still) Don’t Get It: Social Science Saves Lives

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The Digital Scholar: Reference Rot and Link Decorations

The Digital Scholar: Reference Rot and Link Decorations

You have written a paper and linked to your literature and resources. All is good, except that many of those links that are tied to permanent identifiers may fade away over time — a significant problem for scholarly purposes. Martin Klein and Herbert Van de Sompel explore ways to mitigate this problem through more systematic web archiving practices and link decoration techniques.

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SAGE’s Ziyad Marar Named to Campaign for Social Science

SAGE’s Ziyad Marar Named to Campaign for Social Science

The Campaign for Social Science, Britain’s pre-eminent champion for promoting the social sciences before the government and the public, has named Ziyad […]

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Rebecca Blank Receives 2015 Moynihan Prize

Rebecca Blank Receives 2015 Moynihan Prize

A former acting secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce and the current chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison will receive this year’s Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize from the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

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The Author of Risk Society: Ulrich Beck, 1944-2015

The Author of Risk Society: Ulrich Beck, 1944-2015

The German sociologist and public intellectual who posited that manufactured risk was a primary product of modernity died on New Year’s Day at age 70

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Debating the Legacy of Ulrich Beck

Debating the Legacy of Ulrich Beck

Amid the encomiums and eulogies surrounding the late German sociologist Ulrich Beck, Robert Dingwall asks how far Beck’s body of published work represents a model that other sociologists should seek to follow

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Probing the ‘Informed’ Voter: Philip Converse, 1928-2014

Probing the ‘Informed’ Voter: Philip Converse, 1928-2014

Philip Converse looked at the “informed voter” and questioned just what sort of information that voter really possessed, forever changing the assumptions behind political science research.

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When Chasing Prestige Becomes the Prize

When Chasing Prestige Becomes the Prize

A survey by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics suggests that researchers appreciate the benefits of competition but also fear how it can emphasize prestige over quality

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The Social Scientist Who Knew Torture Wasn’t Worth the Game

The Social Scientist Who Knew Torture Wasn’t Worth the Game

Game theory neatly — and sadly — predicted the futility of using torture to extract meaning information from terror suspects, neatly predicting the results of the recent U.S. Senate report years before its release.

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