
Weekly Overview of Social Science News
September 25, 2013

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

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The Rule of Optimism – Thirty Years On
International Debate
September 18, 2013

The Rule of Optimism – Thirty Years On

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Statement by AAU on Support for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
September 17, 2013

Statement by AAU on Support for the Social and Behavioral Sciences

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De profundis
International Debate
September 12, 2013

De profundis

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

The “US effect”: problems with social science research in America Boston. Tech companies turn to social science The Missoulian Boys whose fathers […]

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140 Thoughtless Characters Cost Dear in Academia

140 Thoughtless Characters Cost Dear in Academia

The censuring of an academic in the US for sending out an offensive tweet has led many university tweeters to pause for thought.

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Oh the humanities: Oxford graduates do well, but what about the rest?

Oh the humanities: Oxford graduates do well, but what about the rest?

A study of 11,000 alumni from the University of Oxford has shown that humanities graduates went on to work in the UK’s major growth sectors. The Oxford study can’t tell us much about the fate of graduates at other universities around the UK. But it does prompt a closer look at the stigma surrounding humanities subjects in the UK.

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How Scholars Can Be Strategic Communicators

How Scholars Can Be Strategic Communicators

As academics, we are not usually trained – or even encouraged – to seek an audience for our research beyond the world of peer review. This leaves us ill-equipped for the policy world, a competitive place in which scholars enjoy few advantages. To bring our ideas and findings into the policy arena, we must adopt a style of engagement that enable us to compete effectively with these other groups for the attention of decision-makers.

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The Psychology of the “Psychology Isn’t a Science” Argument

The Psychology of the “Psychology Isn’t a Science” Argument

Every so often the internet is set ablaze with opinion pieces on a familiar question: Are “soft” sciences, like psychology, actually science?

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Social Science Research Symposium – McGill Reporter  Funding NIH behavioral research is a waste of money – Baltimore Sun  Study maps the future of […]

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The Humanities as Human Relations

The Humanities as Human Relations

Do the Humanities not have an intellectual basis as legitimate and rigorous as that of the natural and social sciences? And are not the Humanities in fact an essential part of higher education? Try considering the Humanities as a form of Human Relations.

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Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Music, violence, politics, integrity: Feminist contradictions or an editorial in the form of 18 tweets From European Journal of Women’s Studies    ‘No […]

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