
‘I’m a graduate student, get me out of here!’
March 8, 2013

‘I’m a graduate student, get me out of here!’

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In praise of Sociology! Speech by Pierre Bourdieu
March 7, 2013

In praise of Sociology! Speech by Pierre Bourdieu

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The Politics of Attacking Political Science
Academic Funding
March 6, 2013

The Politics of Attacking Political Science

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One Step Closer to Restoring Government Chief Social Scientist Post
International Debate
March 5, 2013

One Step Closer to Restoring Government Chief Social Scientist Post

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Why Study Social Science

Why Study Social Science

We study social science because social phenomena affect people’s lives in profound ways. If you want to start with Cantor’s focus—physical illness and death—then social phenomena are tremendously important.

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Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

The prominence of Mafia in Southern Italy hinders the implementation of victim–offender mediation From European Journal of Criminology Celebrating 50 years: Information Science at […]

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

The Republican war on Social Science, Natural Science and Social Science combine, and more on your weekly overview of Social Science News.

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Super Bowls, Super Storms, and the Olympics: How They Affect Cities and Corporations

Super Bowls, Super Storms, and the Olympics: How They Affect Cities and Corporations

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome András Tilcsik of the University of Toronto and Christopher Marquis of Harvard University, whose article […]

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social science sites of the week

social science sites of the week

This week Italian elections. The Italian political science association provides free access to its English language journal Political science This includes articles […]

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Social Science’s Dangerously Low Profile, and How to Fix It

Social Science’s Dangerously Low Profile, and How to Fix It

“We are now in a situation where science, technology, engineering and maths – the STEM subjects – were about 15 to 20 years ago….there was a lack of public understanding of what they contributed to society and its development”

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Are Vocational Education, Liberal Arts on a Collision Course?

Are Vocational Education, Liberal Arts on a Collision Course?

As even liberal arts colleges continue to turn their back on the liberal arts, where will the technocrats produced by higher education hone their thinking skills to address the current crisis in governing?

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Liberal Arts: Still Valuable

Liberal Arts: Still Valuable

Emory’s recent decision to shut down or suspend various academic departments and programs has rightly generated campus-wide and national attention.

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