
To build a successful academic career, you need to play by the rules.
February 6, 2013

To build a successful academic career, you need to play by the rules.

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The Formula
January 24, 2013

The Formula

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Campaign for Social Science to hold latest roadshows
International Debate
January 21, 2013

Campaign for Social Science to hold latest roadshows

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News
January 19, 2013

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

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More Alike Than Different: Assortative Mating and Antisocial Propensity in Adulthood

More Alike Than Different: Assortative Mating and Antisocial Propensity in Adulthood

In the interest of full disclosure, I spent the first twenty-eight years of my life (give or take) being utterly baffled by […]

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Numerical indigestion: how much data is really good for us?

Numerical indigestion: how much data is really good for us?

We are swimming in ‘big data’ and despite their performances as advocates of data freedom, policymakers don’t seem to bear any responsibility for educating the public on how to read it.

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Academy of Social Sciences launches evidence-gathering process

Academy of Social Sciences launches evidence-gathering process

The Academy of Social Sciences is working to articulate the value of social science research to society, the wider economy and policymaking itself, in anticipation of government decisions on spending on research in the UK.

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How Entrepreneurship Evolves

How Entrepreneurship Evolves

Did you know that the first two American magazines, produced by rival printers Andrew Bradford and Benjamin Franklin in 1741, lasted only […]

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Re-establishing economics as a realist and relevant social science, the use of social science in court, and more in this weekly overview of Social Science News

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Social science sites of the week

Social science sites of the week

Happy New year! Time to set your new year resolutions. the American Psychoplogical Association website has a section on will power and […]

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OA and the UK Humanities & Social Sciences

OA and the UK Humanities & Social Sciences

The opportunity for H&SS to reach much wider audiences who appreciate the value of their work generally, and to reach those specific people who will make important use of it is enormous.

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Podcast: Virginia Crisp on Filesharing: Who’s the true thief?

Podcast: Virginia Crisp on Filesharing: Who’s the true thief?

Virginia Crisp on filesharing – or is it piracy – or is all property theft?….and why is everyone playing table football?

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