
Let’s Return to Retractions Being Corrective, Not Punitive
July 15, 2024

Let’s Return to Retractions Being Corrective, Not Punitive

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The Long Arm of Criminality
April 29, 2024

The Long Arm of Criminality

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A Former Student Reflects on How Daniel Kahneman Changed Our Understanding of Human Nature
April 12, 2024

A Former Student Reflects on How Daniel Kahneman Changed Our Understanding of Human Nature

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Four Reasons to Stop Using the Word ‘Populism’
March 4, 2024

Four Reasons to Stop Using the Word ‘Populism’

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A Black History Addendum to the American Music Industry

A Black History Addendum to the American Music Industry

The new editor of the case study series on the music industry discusses the history of Black Americans in the recording industry.

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Book Review: A Memoir Highlighting Scientific Complexity

Book Review: A Memoir Highlighting Scientific Complexity

In this brief, crisply written memoir, “In a Flight of Starlings: The Wonders of Complex Systems,” Parisi takes the reader on a journey through his scientific life in the realm of complex, disordered systems, from fundamental particles to migratory birds. He argues that science’s struggle to understand and master the universe’s complexity, and especially to communicate it to an ever-more skeptical public, holds the key to humanity’s future well-being.

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Kohrra on Netflix – Policing and Everyday Life in Contemporary India

Kohrra on Netflix – Policing and Everyday Life in Contemporary India

Even Social Science Space bloggers occasionally have downtime when they log in to Netflix and crash out. One of my favourite themes […]

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Canadian Librarians Suggest Secondary Publishing Rights to Improve Public Access to Research

Canadian Librarians Suggest Secondary Publishing Rights to Improve Public Access to Research

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations recently proposed providing secondary publishing rights to academic authors in Canada.

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Oppenheimer: Science, Culture and Politics

Oppenheimer: Science, Culture and Politics

The new film ‘Oppenheimer’ offers several interesting views of the scientific endeavor that resonate as much in the social sciences and the humanities as in the physical sciences.

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Are We Unnecessarily Using Diagnostic Frameworks Beyond Health Settings?

Are We Unnecessarily Using Diagnostic Frameworks Beyond Health Settings?

Diagnosis is so important to understanding our lives and those around us that it’s often applied outside of the health setting.

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Do We Need the Police?

Do We Need the Police?

David Canter considers whether ‘all-purpose’ police forces a no longer fit for purpose.

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The Trouble with Bootlaces: Treading on Artificial and General Intelligence

The Trouble with Bootlaces: Treading on Artificial and General Intelligence

David Canter considers some implications of ChatGPT and what it tells us about real intelligence, general, artificial or otherwise.

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