Public Policy

Shona Minson on Children of Imprisoned Mothers
October 2, 2019

Shona Minson on Children of Imprisoned Mothers

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NSF Changing How It Positions Many Social Science Programs
September 27, 2019

NSF Changing How It Positions Many Social Science Programs

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AI May Usurp the Market in Guiding Public Policy Decisions
September 12, 2019

AI May Usurp the Market in Guiding Public Policy Decisions

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ESRC’s Effort to Develop Leadership in the Social Sciences: A Hunt for Unicorns?
August 14, 2019

ESRC’s Effort to Develop Leadership in the Social Sciences: A Hunt for Unicorns?

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Kayleigh Garthwaite on Foodbanks

Kayleigh Garthwaite on Foodbanks

“I think the debate about why people use the foodbanks has become really politicized to the point where apparently individual faults and failings are the reason why people are using them,” Kayleigh Garthwaite tells interviewer David Edmonds in this Social Science Bites podcast. To find out, she volunteered to work at a Trussell Trust foodbank in northern England’s city of Stockton, deploying ethnographic methods to learn from the workers and the food recipients.

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Archived Webinar: A Scientific Approach to Social Science Communication

Archived Webinar: A Scientific Approach to Social Science Communication

As part of a project sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and the Rita Allen Foundation, four science communications experts tackled surrounding the effective and ethical communication of science to relevant policymakers. in this webinar, we talk to the four experts about their findings and the processes they recommend.

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Why Does the British Labour Party Struggle with Antisemitism?

Why Does the British Labour Party Struggle with Antisemitism?

Britain’s Labour Party historically had strong ties to the idea and later the state of Israel. Now a host of factors are challenging the traditional connection to Zionism and even raising concerns of antisemitism.

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Jonathan Portes on the Economics of Immigration

Jonathan Portes on the Economics of Immigration

Britain’s former chief economist knows a thing or two about the impact of immigration on native Britons. In this Social Science Bites podcast, he reviews what data can tell us about the UK’s current heavy inflow — such as that new arrivals create both supply AND demand.

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The Mental Health Care System Needs Urgent Care Itself

The Mental Health Care System Needs Urgent Care Itself

Whatever level of public awareness exists about mental health, it’s probably safe to say that awareness about the system of mental health care is considerably worse. And that’s a real issue, say the authors of a new book, ‘Mental Health in Crisis,’ whose title banishes any hope that the current system is acceptable. A Q&A with the lead author, Joel Vos.

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Monika Krause on Humanitarian Aid

Monika Krause on Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian aid organizations often find themselves torn by reasonable expectations – to address a pressing crisis and to show that what they are doing is actually helping. While these might not seem at odds, in practice, says sociologist Monika Krause, they often do. Krause, is the author of The Good Project, an award-winning book from 2014, and guest of this Social Science Bites podcast.

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The Census Citizenship Question: A Primer

The Census Citizenship Question: A Primer

The social science community has a large stake in the accuracy of the U.S. Census for the community’s contued research. Here, law professor Jonathan Entin discusses the legal controversy swirling around the impact a question on citizenship has on the census, something the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing about this week.

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Might Campus Free Speech Laws Muzzle Some Speech?

Might Campus Free Speech Laws Muzzle Some Speech?

Some language in campus speech legislation may be largely symbolic and not change what many colleges are already doing. But, argues Neal Hutchens, some provisions in legislation could change campus speech rules in important ways.

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