Public Policy

The Other Dead of 1918
May 15, 2018

The Other Dead of 1918

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What Census Data Miss about American Diversity
May 2, 2018

What Census Data Miss about American Diversity

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Impact Still Helping Higher Education; But at What Cost?
Higher Education Reform
April 25, 2018

Impact Still Helping Higher Education; But at What Cost?

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Call for Nominations for the 2018 CASBS-SAGE Awards
April 25, 2018

Call for Nominations for the 2018 CASBS-SAGE Awards

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Should Universities Be Parents?

Should Universities Be Parents?

Increasingly, says Robert Dingwall, UK universities are taking a more paternal role in the lives of their students, taking — or perhaps resuming — more active roles in addressing their charges’ mental health, criminal conduct and self-care.

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Washington and Social Science: Science Chair Still Questions Value

Washington and Social Science: Science Chair Still Questions Value

Congress cleared the final fiscal year 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Act, and the president signed the measure into law, narrowly averting another government shutdown. The House and Senate approved separate several financial services bills related to the Dodd-Frank Act. The House also approved several regulatory relief bills, and the “Right to Try” Act. The Senate also approved and cleared for the president’s signature the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act.”

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Democracy Threatened When Census Undercounts Populations

Democracy Threatened When Census Undercounts Populations

The 2020 U.S. Census is still two years away, but experts and civil rights groups are already disputing the results. Professor Emily Merchant’s research on the international history of demography demonstrates that the question of how to equitably count the population is not new, nor is it unique to the United States.

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COSSA, Others Fear Fallout from Census Including Citizenship Question

COSSA, Others Fear Fallout from Census Including Citizenship Question

UPDATED: Many academic groups that use U.S Census data for research fear the negative effects of including a question about citizenship on the 2020 count. “Adding a new citizenship question to the 2020 Census would destroy any chance for an accurate count, discard years of careful research, and increase costs significantly,” wrote The Leadership Conference, an umbrella group.

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The State of Gun Research in the US: Six Questions Answered

The State of Gun Research in the US: Six Questions Answered

The research needed to answer questions about the role of firearms in acts of horrific mass violence doesn’t exist – and part of the problem is that the United States government largely doesn’t support it.

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A Cry From Canada: Freedom of Expression Under Attack at Our Universities

A Cry From Canada: Freedom of Expression Under Attack at Our Universities

The former president of the University of Saskatchewan argues that freedom of expression is under attack in Canada’s universities through an accumulation of episodes that diminish its significance and through a vector of intellectual laziness accompanied by ideology and anger.

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Why Has Brexit Britain Not Had an Immigration Debate?

Why Has Brexit Britain Not Had an Immigration Debate?

The post-referendum public debates in the United Kingdom have been about the future of Britain and British citizens, and questions about the lives and futures of EU citizens in Britain have faded into the background, argues our Daniel Nehring. This absence of an open-ended public conversation about immigration speaks to the ways in which power organizes truth.

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Science vs. 2017: Five Essential Reads

Science vs. 2017: Five Essential Reads

2017 may well be remembered as the year of alternative facts and fake news. Truth took a hit, and experts seemed to lose the public’s trust and scientists felt under siege as the Trump administration took office. Five stories, from The Conversation, showcase where scholars and scientists stand in this new climate and various ways to consider the value research holds for society.

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