Public Policy

Will Social Science Research Cuts Affect the Human Rights Situation in the U.S.?
March 20, 2013

Will Social Science Research Cuts Affect the Human Rights Situation in the U.S.?

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Toxic, Poisonous and Stupid: Iraq War Decision-Making Ten Years On
International Debate
March 19, 2013

Toxic, Poisonous and Stupid: Iraq War Decision-Making Ten Years On

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Risk Management Approach Could Motivate Climate Change Action
March 19, 2013

Risk Management Approach Could Motivate Climate Change Action

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Making Sense of Crime Trends
March 15, 2013

Making Sense of Crime Trends

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Undercover Pressures

Undercover Pressures

Some criminal investigations resonate over the years. Even if you’ve only had peripheral involvement with them, as in my case, they still […]

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Why Study Social Science

Why Study Social Science

We study social science because social phenomena affect people’s lives in profound ways. If you want to start with Cantor’s focus—physical illness and death—then social phenomena are tremendously important.

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Social Science’s Dangerously Low Profile, and How to Fix It

Social Science’s Dangerously Low Profile, and How to Fix It

“We are now in a situation where science, technology, engineering and maths – the STEM subjects – were about 15 to 20 years ago….there was a lack of public understanding of what they contributed to society and its development”

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The Vocation of Sociology – Exposing Slow Violence

The Vocation of Sociology – Exposing Slow Violence

Much destruction of human potential takes the form of a “slow violence” that extends over time. It is insidious, undramatic and relatively invisible.

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Postgraduate Study – A right or an opportunity?

Postgraduate Study – A right or an opportunity?

There are all sorts of things from which we are excluded by limited means. Is postgraduate education really so different?

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Antebellism: The Neoliberal Compromise of the Political

Antebellism: The Neoliberal Compromise of the Political

Why we need to pay closer attention to the President of Emory’s shocking comparison of University budget cuts with the three-fifths compromise, and what it says about America now, not then.

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The Myths of Offender Profiling

The Myths of Offender Profiling

Recent publications have encouraged me not to keep quiet about this any longer. Now is the time to explain why I find the term ‘profiling’ so problematic yet get stuck with using it.

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Mid Staffordshire: A true test for accountability

Mid Staffordshire: A true test for accountability

Guest post from Roger Kline, Visiting Fellow at Middlesex University and co-director of Patients First, a whistleblowers network. The Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust public inquiry report could be a watershed moment for the NHS.

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