
Shamit Saggar New Chair for Campaign for Social Science
Recent Appointments
September 5, 2017

Shamit Saggar New Chair for Campaign for Social Science

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Carrying the Torch For a Classic Political Science Text
August 11, 2017

Carrying the Torch For a Classic Political Science Text

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A Parent of Evaluation: Daniel Stufflebeam, 1936-2017
August 4, 2017

A Parent of Evaluation: Daniel Stufflebeam, 1936-2017

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Alan Krueger: Where Does Public Policy Fit in a Gig Economy?
July 24, 2017

Alan Krueger: Where Does Public Policy Fit in a Gig Economy?

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Former Census Director Tapped to Head COPAFS

Former Census Director Tapped to Head COPAFS

The recently resigned head of the U.S. Census Bureau will head the umbrella organization that serves as an advocate and liaison to federal statistical organizations.

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Watch William Julius Wilson Address Race in the Age of Trump

Watch William Julius Wilson Address Race in the Age of Trump

In his 2017 SAGE-CASBS Award lecture, noted social scientist William Julius Wilson offer his “Reflections on American Race Relations in the Age of Donald Trump,”

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BPS Award-Winner Alex Haslam on Teams and Trump

BPS Award-Winner Alex Haslam on Teams and Trump

Social psychologist Alex Haslam talks about many of his research interests, from Donald Trump to identity politics to classic studies – is his ‘glass cliff work’ with Michelle Ryan count? – in a wide-ranging interview following his receiving the President’s Award from the British Psychological Society.

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APA Honors Pedagogical Pundit Regan Gurung with Teaching Award

APA Honors Pedagogical Pundit Regan Gurung with Teaching Award

Regan Gurung, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay psychologist behind the blog ‘Pedagogical Pundit’ and a mass of scholarship on teaching psychology, has been awarded the American Psychological Association Brewer Award for his efforts.

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Making Sense of Society: Ruben Schneider

Making Sense of Society: Ruben Schneider

Ruben Schneider, who is ethnographically exploring the interactions of ‘global’ conservation alliances and local communities, describes his passion in this essay for the ESRC.

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Activist-Scholar Award Goes to Economist Samuel Myers Jr.

Activist-Scholar Award Goes to Economist Samuel Myers Jr.

The Urban Affairs Association will present this year’s Marilyn J. Gittell Activist Scholar Award to Samuel Myers Jr., an economist who has pioneered methods that prove the pervasiveness of inequality.

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Making Sense of Society: Caoimhe Ryan

Making Sense of Society: Caoimhe Ryan

In the wake of recent divisive political campaigns, argues Caoimhe Ryan in this essay, it is vital that we not lose sight of important examples of inclusion and support.

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Making Sense of Society: Ruth Puttick

Making Sense of Society: Ruth Puttick

Are we paying enough attention to ostensible philanthropy that influences what goes on in British schools? We should, argues Ruth Puttick in this essay.

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