
Engaging With the Untidy World of Nonprofits
August 20, 2014

Engaging With the Untidy World of Nonprofits

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British Academy Elects a Full Slate of New Fellows
July 21, 2014

British Academy Elects a Full Slate of New Fellows

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Of Geese and Game Theory: Auctions, Airwaves – and Applications
July 17, 2014

Of Geese and Game Theory: Auctions, Airwaves – and Applications

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How Concerned Should We Be About Gaming Altmetrics?
July 11, 2014

How Concerned Should We Be About Gaming Altmetrics?

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The Economist as Rock Star

The Economist as Rock Star

‘Rock stars’ are people whose work has incredible public influence, and/or incredible influence on public perception of economic thinking such that they become a by-word for the credibility of ideas.

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Two Social Scientists Headed to National Science Board

Two Social Scientists Headed to National Science Board

The former director of the U.S. Census and the current president the Consortium of Social Science Associations will be among the scholars joining the panel that oversees the National Science Foundation this August..

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Queen’s Birthday Honours Recognize Social Scientists

Queen’s Birthday Honours Recognize Social Scientists

Among the 1,149 people receiving Queen’s Birthday Honours this year are several British social scientists, a recognition of the importance of social […]

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Listen to Joseph Stiglitz’s Moynihan Lecture

Listen to Joseph Stiglitz’s Moynihan Lecture

“America has achieved the distinction of being the country with the highest level of income inequality among the advanced countries,” prefaced economist […]

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Spanish Chronicler Joseph Pérez Wins Asturias Prize

Spanish Chronicler Joseph Pérez Wins Asturias Prize

Joseph Pérez, born in France but one of the pre-eminent chroniclers of imperial and modern Spain, has received the Prince of Asturias […]

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Former Congressman Porter Receives NAS’ Most Prestigious Award

Former Congressman Porter Receives NAS’ Most Prestigious Award

Longtime Illinois congressman  and Research!America  chairman John Edward Porter last month received the 2014 Public Welfare Medal from the National Academy of […]

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NAS Honors Anthropologist Hrdy, Psychologists Rutishauser, Saxe

NAS Honors Anthropologist Hrdy, Psychologists Rutishauser, Saxe

Several social and behavioral scientists received awards from the National Academy of Sciences earlier this year. Troland Research Awards The Troland Research […]

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Academy of Social Sciences Names 28 New Academicians

Academy of Social Sciences Names 28 New Academicians

The Academy of Social Sciences in the United Kingdom earlier this year conferred the award of Academician in the Social Sciences (denoted […]

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