
Social Science Space Celebrates International Women’s Day 2020!
March 8, 2020

Social Science Space Celebrates International Women’s Day 2020!

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Should We Welcome “CRediT Check?”
Higher Education Reform
March 7, 2020

Should We Welcome “CRediT Check?”

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AAPSS Names Five 2020 Fellows
February 27, 2020

AAPSS Names Five 2020 Fellows

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We Asked for Impactful Social Science. The World Responded
January 16, 2020

We Asked for Impactful Social Science. The World Responded

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SSHRC Impact Awards Honor Expanders of Access, Citizenship

SSHRC Impact Awards Honor Expanders of Access, Citizenship

Earlier this month, Ted Hewitt, the president of Canada’s Social Science and Humanities Research Council, presented the 2019 SSHRC Impact Awards to gold medal winner Will Kymlicka and four other notables at a ceremony in Ottawa.

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Economics Nobel 2019: Why Banerjee, Duflo and Kremer Won

Economics Nobel 2019: Why Banerjee, Duflo and Kremer Won

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2019 (commonly known as the Nobel Prize for Economics) has been awarded to Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer “for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.” Through the award, the Nobel committee recognized both the significance of development economics in the world today and the innovative approaches developed by these three economists.

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‘Ethnic Enclave’ Sociologist Wins 2019 Princess of Asturias Award

‘Ethnic Enclave’ Sociologist Wins 2019 Princess of Asturias Award

Alejandro Portes will be recognized for his award in October. He is the Princeton/University of Miami sociologist behind concepts such as the ethnic enclave and segmented immigration.

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South Africa’s Universal Man: Johnny Clegg, 1953-2019

South Africa’s Universal Man: Johnny Clegg, 1953-2019

The late South African musician Johnny Clegg was also an anthropologist both formally, as a lecturer on ethnography, and informally as he continued a teaching career from the stage.

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2019 SAGE Concept Grant Winner: Text Wash

2019 SAGE Concept Grant Winner: Text Wash

Text Wash, a new software tool that anonymizes personally identifiable text data, making it accessible to social scientists without compromising its usability for research, has just won the SAGE Concept Grant. This year’s award comes to roughly $30,000.

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Learning to Communicate Social Responsibility

Learning to Communicate Social Responsibility

While ”corporate social responsibility’ is a staple of conversations in the business world, CSR isn’t necessarily on the lips of those outside the boardroom. That guided Janis Teruggi Page and Lawrence J. Parnell as they wrote the new intro to strategic public relations textbook. That message must have resonated, since the TAA honored the book with one of its Most Promising New Textbook Awards.

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Textbook Authorship: The Joys of a Crazy Undertaking

Textbook Authorship: The Joys of a Crazy Undertaking

“Writing a textbook,” says Tom Heinzen, “is a foolish idea.” It’s an enormous undertaking and the rewards a few. But there are some rewards, and Heinzen and Wind Goodfriend, the authors of the new intro textbook ‘Social Psychology,’ are reaping one of them: their book received a Most Promising New Textbook Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association, or TAA.

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Better lives with better toilets: An ESRC Better Lives Essay

Better lives with better toilets: An ESRC Better Lives Essay

Ian Ross is a development economist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where his studies and work as a research degree student focuses on the financing of water, sanitation and hygiene, or WASH, services. His PhD topic, and doctoral studentship from the Economic and Social Research Council, looks at cost-effectiveness of sanitation in Maputo, Mozambique, and one aspect on this is also the subject of this co-winning essay from the ESRC Better Lives Writing Competition. The competition asked PhD students who have received money from the ESRC write short essays about how their research leads too better lives.

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