Research Ethics

The Virtue of Checking Documentation: You Never Know What You Will Find
June 3, 2020

The Virtue of Checking Documentation: You Never Know What You Will Find

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Junior Scientists are Often Underused as Peer Reviewers
Higher Education Reform
November 20, 2019

Junior Scientists are Often Underused as Peer Reviewers

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NAS Takes Detailed Look at Reproducibility and Replicability
September 23, 2019

NAS Takes Detailed Look at Reproducibility and Replicability

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The Civic Responsibility of Ethnographers
Research Ethics
January 9, 2019

The Civic Responsibility of Ethnographers

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Replication in Humanities Just as Desirable as in Sciences

Replication in Humanities Just as Desirable as in Sciences

Some scholars claim that replication, in the humanities, is not possible. The reasoning is that the humanities search for cultural meaning that can yield multiple valid answers since research objects are people and interactive entities. This may be true but it does not automatically follow that replication is not possible. Its a desirable feature for studies in the humanities to be replicable.

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Collaboration Imbues SSRC’s ‘To Secure Knowledge’ Report

Collaboration Imbues SSRC’s ‘To Secure Knowledge’ Report

In launching its first-ever task force report on Monday, the 95-year-old Social Science Research Council made clear it gets by with a little help from its friends. Collaboration, said sociologist Alondra Nelson Nelson, the president of the SSRC, is the byword of the report, To Secure Knowledge: Social Science Partnerships for the Common Good.

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Sir Cliff Richard, the BBC and the Ethics of Interviewing

Sir Cliff Richard, the BBC and the Ethics of Interviewing

The recent brouhaha involving the BBC and the singer points out something the journalists and qualitative researchers share: the need to develop a common approach to the ethics of interviewing.

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Research Value Needs the Help of Social Sciences

Research Value Needs the Help of Social Sciences

Rachel and Lisa explore how humanities, arts and social sciences expertise is applied to problems typically corralled into the science and technology space.

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Behavioral Science Can Be Used to Win War with Fake News

Behavioral Science Can Be Used to Win War with Fake News

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently acknowledged his company’s responsibility in helping create the enormous amount of fake news that plagued the 2016 election – after earlier denials. Yet he offered no concrete details on what Facebook could do about it. Fortunately, there’s a way to fight fake news that already exists and has behavioral science on its side: the Pro-Truth Pledge project.

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Academic Researchers Need Support and Incentives to Share Data

Academic Researchers Need Support and Incentives to Share Data

Making data available for other researchers to find, use, reuse, ultimately makes research more efficient and effective. Yet despite policies that encourage and require data sharing, researchers in the UK and US report lower percentages of data sharing than average. Grace Baynes suggests researchers be given incentives, expert support, and training to make it easy to share data.

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How Do You Feel About Companies With Personal Data

How Do You Feel About Companies With Personal Data

The recent revelation that Cambridge Analytica was able to acquire the Facebook data led to a surge of interest and questions around what companies do with people’s data. Amidst all of this, little attention has been paid to the feelings of those whose data are used, shared, and acted upon.

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Study Shows Lack of Female Authors in Academic Writing

Study Shows Lack of Female Authors in Academic Writing

Like it or loathe it, publishing in highprofile journals is the fast track to prestigious positions in academia. Yet somehow, in the search to understand why women’s scientific careers often fail to thrive, the role of academic writing has received little scrutiny. So to examine the representation of women within academic writing, Ione Fine, Alicia Shen, Jason Webster & Yuichi Shoda review 166,000 articles (between 2005-2017) to see how many are by women.

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