Research Ethics

Good Replication Standards Start With the Data
International Debate
August 24, 2016

Good Replication Standards Start With the Data

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The Challenge of Regulating Research to Avoid Fraud
International Debate
July 6, 2016

The Challenge of Regulating Research to Avoid Fraud

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Statistical Association Takes on Use, Abuse of P-values
Higher Education Reform
March 7, 2016

Statistical Association Takes on Use, Abuse of P-values

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Common Rule Revision – The Ethics Police Fight Back
International Debate
December 17, 2015

Common Rule Revision – The Ethics Police Fight Back

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Deregulating Social Science Research Ethics – Clipping the Wings of IRBs?

Deregulating Social Science Research Ethics – Clipping the Wings of IRBs?

The Federal Register is surely not everybody’s bedtime reading. It is where the US Government formally publishes certain official documents, including advance […]

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Data Sharing in Historical Perspective

Data Sharing in Historical Perspective

Who me? Share my data with strangers? Aren’t they my competitors? Would they use my data to criticize me? Would they take the credit (through publication) for my hard work? Would they understand my data well enough to arrive at valid results and conclusions?  I recognize the importance of data sharing in some fields, but …

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It’s Not the Lack of Replication, It’s the Lack of Trying to Replicate!

It’s Not the Lack of Replication, It’s the Lack of Trying to Replicate!

Psychology is still digesting the implications of a large study published last month, in which a team led by University of Virginia’s […]

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We Found Only a Third of Top-Drawer Psych Studies Reliable

We Found Only a Third of Top-Drawer Psych Studies Reliable

A small but vocal contingent of researchers has maintained that many, perhaps most, published studies are wrong. But how bad is this problem, exactly? And what features make a study more or less likely to turn out to be true? A team of 270 researchers asked the question of published psychology studies.

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Beware! Big Data Is Not Free of Discrimination

Beware! Big Data Is Not Free of Discrimination

Math can be immoral. too. Algorithms rarely come equipped with an explanation for why they behave the way they do, notes mathematician Jeremy Kun, and the easy (and dangerous) course of action is not to ask questions.

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AllTrials Opens Curtains on Clinical Trials

AllTrials Opens Curtains on Clinical Trials

The AllTrials campaign, which asks clinical researchers to register their trials and then release all the data gained, has come to the United States.

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The APA Colluded on Torture. What Now?

The APA Colluded on Torture. What Now?

The US tortured prisoners in the ‘War on Terror.’ That that a major health care association colluded in this, argues J. Wesley Boyd, is unconscionable.

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Let’s Streamline Consent for Reasearch

Let’s Streamline Consent for Reasearch

It is evident then that building trust and creating relationships is what volunteers want as the mainstay of good research practice, not extra forms or excessive levels of data protection by researchers.

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