
That Warm, Fuzzy Feeling Has a Name: Kama Muta
January 22, 2020

That Warm, Fuzzy Feeling Has a Name: Kama Muta

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Analysis: A 10th of Climate Change Research Funding Goes to Social Science
Public Policy
January 17, 2020

Analysis: A 10th of Climate Change Research Funding Goes to Social Science

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The Social Science of Gift Wrapping (Sloppy is Better!)
December 17, 2019

The Social Science of Gift Wrapping (Sloppy is Better!)

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Riots Are Not Just Mindless Violence
November 22, 2019

Riots Are Not Just Mindless Violence

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Why is Inequality Bad?

Why is Inequality Bad?

Here’s a clear, scientific reason drawn from the field of complexity economics to combat rising inequality: good business models that serve many people are becoming less profitable. Solid entrepreneurial ideas that would benefit everyone get passed over when there are easier opportunities to make money by catering to a few individuals with a whole lot of dollars to spend.

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COPE Report Explores Publication Issues in HSS

COPE Report Explores Publication Issues in HSS

A new report from the Committee on Publication Ethics, or COPE, offers an intriguing way to look at the differences between academic disciplines: what do journal editors routinely identify as struggles?

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More Must be Done to Preserve the Freedom to Research

More Must be Done to Preserve the Freedom to Research

I had no reservations about conducting research in the UAE. And I underwent a rigorous ethical and fieldwork assessment and was sure to follow established protocols before and during my trip. Yet I was imprisoned for nearly seven months …

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Student Success from the Perspective of Students Themselves

Student Success from the Perspective of Students Themselves

The Community College Libraries and Academic Support for Student Success project examines student success from the perspectives of the students themselves, the challenges they face in achieving it, and the services they think might effectively support them in their attainment of success. Given that three quarters of students surveyed also have jobs, when students’ needs aren’t met in their everyday lives, their academic performances suffer.

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Research on Research

Research on Research

With the advent of the new Research on Research Institute, our Robert Dingwall notes that while research on research fills a gap in the world of knowledge. However, it is important not to confuse it with the research enterprise itself or to assume that this will benefit from being made so planned, rational and evidence-based that the result is to squeeze innovation out of the system.

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Don’t Just Publish and Hope – Get Creative to Have Impact

Don’t Just Publish and Hope – Get Creative to Have Impact

Sorry, but academic publications in themselves are less likely to merit impact, though; if researchers want to reach beyond the ivy tower of academia, there are certain steps they can take. Why not consider a campaign? Toby Green discusses the imperative to ensure that researchers are seeking and finding proper audiences if they intend to cause impact. Researchers who do so will be more visible, and they’re more likely to win grants.

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Why the Community that Sings Together Stays Together

Why the Community that Sings Together Stays Together

Is singing is a behavior that evolved to bond groups together? This question launched a research project that involved London’s Megachoir and the charity Workers’ Educational Association.

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Real Fake News: How Parts of the Media Misconstrued ‘Trump Disorder’ Research

Real Fake News: How Parts of the Media Misconstrued ‘Trump Disorder’ Research

It is always important in reporting and media to have a story that is being represented accurately. With skewed assumptions and loaded […]

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