
How Young People Cope with Challenging Contexts
February 13, 2018

How Young People Cope with Challenging Contexts

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Interrogating Ethnography – and Coming Up with the Wrong Answers?
February 8, 2018

Interrogating Ethnography – and Coming Up with the Wrong Answers?

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Analyzing a Canadian Approach to Assessing Impact
January 16, 2018

Analyzing a Canadian Approach to Assessing Impact

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Social Science Space 2017 Round Up
January 10, 2018

Social Science Space 2017 Round Up

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Is There a Need for Novelty in Science?

Is There a Need for Novelty in Science?

In a recent survey of over 1,500 scientists, more than 70 percent of them reported having been unable to reproduce other scientists’ findings at least once. Reproducibility of findings is a core foundation of science and realizing how difficult it is to assess novelty should give funding agencies and scientists pause. Progress in science depends on new discoveries and following unexplored paths – but solid, reproducible research requires an equal emphasis on the robustness of the work.

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Jo Boaler on Fear of Mathematics

Jo Boaler on Fear of Mathematics

There’s a lot of myths that get in the way of learning maths, says Stanford University’s Jo Boaler, and her research not only topples conventional wisdom but gives solid ways of allowing everyone to harness their inherent ability to excel at mathematics.

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Close Encounters with Behavioral Economics: Four Essential Reads for 2017

Close Encounters with Behavioral Economics: Four Essential Reads for 2017

The year 2017 turned out to be the start for mainstream behavioral economics after a leading practitioner in the field won a Nobel prize for his work. Throughout 2017, The Conversation asked experts in economics, psychology and other areas to address the power of this burgeoning field, as well as its potential for misuse. Here are some articles for your consideration.

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The Social Science of Holiday Marketing, er, Shopping

The Social Science of Holiday Marketing, er, Shopping

By drawing on a plethora of psychological and sociological research, marketers subtly give us permission to buy and not to think too much, or too deeply, about why we’re buying. Not thinking all the time is a very efficient way for us to get by. It conserves energy, and allows us to live relatively easily by responding to our psychological predispositions, social norms, and general cognitive imperfections.

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Archived Webinar: Understanding America’s Rural-Urban Interface

Archived Webinar: Understanding America’s Rural-Urban Interface

America’s rural-urban divide, it seems, has never been greater, a point reinforced by large geographic disparities in support for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. But it is also the case that big cities and rural communities are more tightly integrated than ever and are increasingly interdependent, both economically and socially. That was the starting point for a recent webinar which is archived here.

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Diversity: Good Intentions Aren’t Same as Evidence

Diversity: Good Intentions Aren’t Same as Evidence

You’d be forgiven for assuming a quick and sure way to multiply profits and amplify organizational success is to increase the gender and racial diversity of any group. According to mainstream media, the effects of gender and racial diversity are universally favorable. However, professor Alice Eagly states, “the truth is there’s no adequate scientific basis for these newsworthy assertions.”

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Free Access: The sociology of sexual harassment and assault – a selection of free articles

Free Access: The sociology of sexual harassment and assault – a selection of free articles

The issue of sexual assault, the deceit, the gender stereotypes and the level of taboo surrounding the topic, has once again hit […]

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In Australia, Publicly Funded Research Must Soon Prove Its Impact

In Australia, Publicly Funded Research Must Soon Prove Its Impact

Starting in 2018, Australian universities will be required to prove their research provides concrete benefits for taxpayers and the government, who fund it.

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