
Coping with Institutional Complexity and Voids: An Organization Design Perspective for Transnational Interorganizational Projects
March 19, 2024

Coping with Institutional Complexity and Voids: An Organization Design Perspective for Transnational Interorganizational Projects

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The Importance of Using Proper Research Citations to Encourage Trustworthy News Reporting
February 26, 2024

The Importance of Using Proper Research Citations to Encourage Trustworthy News Reporting

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Revolutionizing Management Research with Immersive Research Methods
Business and Management INK
February 26, 2024

Revolutionizing Management Research with Immersive Research Methods

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A Behavioral Scientist’s Take on the Dangers of Self-Censorship in Science
February 14, 2024

A Behavioral Scientist’s Take on the Dangers of Self-Censorship in Science

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Using Forensic Anthropology to Identify the Unknown Dead

Using Forensic Anthropology to Identify the Unknown Dead

Anthropology is the holistic study of human culture, environment and biology across time and space. Biological anthropology focuses on the physiological aspects of people and our nonhuman primate relatives. Forensic anthropology is a further subspecialty that analyzes skeletal remains of the recently deceased within a legal setting.

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Connecting Legislators and Researchers, Leads to Policies Based on Scientific Evidence

Connecting Legislators and Researchers, Leads to Policies Based on Scientific Evidence

The author’s team is developing ways to connect policymakers with university-based researchers – and studying what happens when these academics become the trusted sources, rather than those with special interests who stand to gain financially from various initiatives.

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The Risks Of Using Research-Based Evidence In Policymaking

The Risks Of Using Research-Based Evidence In Policymaking

With research-based evidence increasingly being seen in policy, we should acknowledge that there are risks that the research or ‘evidence’ used isn’t suitable or can be accidentally misused for a variety of reasons. 

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Our Academic-Industry ‘Research Sprints’ Can Solve Problems in 30 Days

Our Academic-Industry ‘Research Sprints’ Can Solve Problems in 30 Days

Inspired by ‘design sprints’ a Google where projects could create a prototype in five days, the authors started doing ‘research sprints’ in 2015.

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What You Should Know About Megaprojects and Why: An Overview

What You Should Know About Megaprojects and Why: An Overview

This article by Bent Flyvbjerg examines the misconceptions and strategic misrepresentations that routinely result in the implementation of projects for which there is inadequate justification, absorbing funds that could have been better spent elsewhere.

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Surveys Provide Insight Into Three Factors That Encourage Open Data and Science

Surveys Provide Insight Into Three Factors That Encourage Open Data and Science

Over a 10-year period Carol Tenopir of DataONE and her team conducted a global survey of scientists, managers and government workers involved in broad environmental science activities about their willingness to share data and their opinion of the resources available to do so (Tenopir et al., 2011, 2015, 2018, 2020). Comparing the responses over that time shows a general increase in the willingness to share data (and thus engage in Open Science).

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Maintaining Anonymity In Double-Blind Peer Review During The Age of Artificial Intelligence

Maintaining Anonymity In Double-Blind Peer Review During The Age of Artificial Intelligence

The double-blind review process, adopted by many publishers and funding agencies, plays a vital role in maintaining fairness and unbiasedness by concealing the identities of authors and reviewers. However, in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, a pressing question arises: can an author’s identity be deduced even from an anonymized paper (in cases where the authors do not advertise their submitted article on social media)?

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Designing Research For Impact

Designing Research For Impact

Recent experiences have not been very positive. The vast majority of proposals seem to conflate impact with research dissemination (a heroic leap of faith – changing the world one seminar at a time), or to outsource impact to partners such as NGOs and thinktanks.

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