
Life Itself is One Big Exercise of the Prisoner’s Dilemma
Public Policy
August 27, 2015

Life Itself is One Big Exercise of the Prisoner’s Dilemma

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Restoring Self-Worth Encourages Healthy Behaviors
August 26, 2015

Restoring Self-Worth Encourages Healthy Behaviors

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Beware! Big Data Is Not Free of Discrimination
August 13, 2015

Beware! Big Data Is Not Free of Discrimination

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Giving Euroscepticism an Honest Hearing
Public Policy
August 5, 2015

Giving Euroscepticism an Honest Hearing

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Seeing Others as Fully Human

Seeing Others as Fully Human

Although ‘dehumanizing the other’ may seem like something for, umm, others to do, the action is common from fantasy football to Homo economicus finds a paper in the journal ‘Policy Insights from the Brain and Behavioral Sciences.’

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Information Wants to Be Free. Help in the National Archives Jailbreak

Information Wants to Be Free. Help in the National Archives Jailbreak

The U.S. National Archives has set itself the gargantuan goal of digitizing its full collection. Social scientists can now weigh in on what documents should go to the head of the line.

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Ebola: WHO and the Consequences of Ignoring Social Science

Ebola: WHO and the Consequences of Ignoring Social Science

A new report from the World Health Organization on the response to the African Ebola outbreak backs up what our Robert Dingwall has been writing all along — by downplaying social science lives have been lost. The question now is whether a new WHO can improve.

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Creating Equality in the Workplace Everyone’s Responsibility

Creating Equality in the Workplace Everyone’s Responsibility

Call it the ‘paradox of equality’: Women are expected to lean in but it turns out there are barriers that are invisible until you smack your head on one. Who should be tasked with taking the tilt out of leaning in?

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Want Better Health and Longevity?  Invest in Education

Want Better Health and Longevity? Invest in Education

Education — even more so than spending on health — correlates with a longer life, according to research reported in the journal ‘Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences.’

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Social Rejection—Who Knew?

Social Rejection—Who Knew?

New research in ‘Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences’ finds that being left out and ignored causes more pain and emotional damage than any overt forms of abuse.

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Antibiotic Resistance – Missing the Point?

Antibiotic Resistance – Missing the Point?

There is no point in improving the innovation pipeline for antibiotics, argues Robert Dingwall, if the drugs that come out at the end all fall into the same chaotic patterns of use as today.

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Putting the Detective Work in Lie Detection

Putting the Detective Work in Lie Detection

Combining a little detective work on what some says — even more so than how they say it — gives an advantage in detecting a liar.

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