
Seven Strategies for Publishing Qualitative Research
April 29, 2014

Seven Strategies for Publishing Qualitative Research

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How Few Papers Ever Get Cited? It’s Bad, But Not THAT Bad
April 28, 2014

How Few Papers Ever Get Cited? It’s Bad, But Not THAT Bad

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Round-up of Social Science Research
April 5, 2014

Round-up of Social Science Research

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Round-up of Social Science Research
March 25, 2014

Round-up of Social Science Research

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Where is UK Government Getting Its Research?

Where is UK Government Getting Its Research?

Anyone under the impression that universities are the dominant suppliers to the United Kingdom government of commissioned research, advice, and knowledge, think again. Open data on government spending shows the relative dominance of other suppliers and mediators of knowledge to government – not least the private sector and think tanks. Simon Bastow presents some preliminary government-wide data.

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In Conversation With… Steven Pinker

In Conversation With… Steven Pinker

Oliver Burkeman explores human nature, violence, feminism and religion with one of the world’s most controversial cognitive scientists. Can he dent Steven Pinker’s optimism?

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Is Evolutionary Psychology ‘Real’ Science? One Unhappy Take

Is Evolutionary Psychology ‘Real’ Science? One Unhappy Take

Christopher Scanlon, an associate dean at La Trobe University, argues that evolutionary psychologists’ efforts to determine if people are ‘wired for happiness’ are faces some tall obstacles if they want their work to be considered scientific..

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 700 journals. All the articles linked to […]

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 700 journals. All the articles linked to […]

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Hey Oscar, Are Awards a Double-Edged Sword?

Hey Oscar, Are Awards a Double-Edged Sword?

In a study drawn from the world of book awards, two academics suggest that overt and high-profile recognition can reduce the public’s perception of a winning work.

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Recent Scholarship on the Black Experience in the U.S.

Recent Scholarship on the Black Experience in the U.S.

From Martin Luther King to black political participation to race relations to teaching African American students, here are some academic papers from the ‘Journal of Black Studies’ that provide a scholarly snapshot of different aspects of black history and current issues in black studies.

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The Use (or Is It Abuse?) of Social Media in Social Science

The Use (or Is It Abuse?) of Social Media in Social Science

A new study of an admittedly small group suggests the public may be getting a little twitchy about the use of their personal messages for public investigation.

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