
Speech by UK universities minister on longitudinal studies and social mobility
International Debate
June 14, 2011

Speech by UK universities minister on longitudinal studies and social mobility

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“Research matters: Graduates with quantitive methods skills are increasingly sought after”
June 10, 2011

“Research matters: Graduates with quantitive methods skills are increasingly sought after”

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Census and Society: why everyone counts
International Debate
June 6, 2011

Census and Society: why everyone counts

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Can a single case be used to test theory?
International Debate
May 3, 2011

Can a single case be used to test theory?

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Playing the numbers game in policy

Playing the numbers game in policy

The statistical illiteracy of the population – including policy-makers – was the subject of a discussion at the British Library on 13 […]

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In front of one’s nose

In front of one’s nose

With the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States, many prominent public figures declared that America had “entered a ‘post-racial’ era.” But as sociologists Eduardo Bonilla-Silva and David Dietrich argue, “racial oppression is still systematic in America.”

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How tobacco warnings labels impact smokers

How tobacco warnings labels impact smokers

The University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center conducted a controlled experimental study of over 5300 smokers regarding reactions to tobacco warnings labels.   Their findings reveal […]

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Research on socioeconomic factors in diagnosis of autism

Research on socioeconomic factors in diagnosis of autism

A new study of children diagnosed with autism in the US has found that socioeconomic inequalities in who is diagnosed with autism […]

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Behind the scenes: surveying Americans’ attitudes and beliefs

Behind the scenes: surveying Americans’ attitudes and beliefs

The General Social Survey is second only to the US Census in being the most frequently analyzed source of social science information […]

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Statistics: because you’re worth it

Statistics: because you’re worth it

I’m a member of a university (the University of Southampton) which forces its budding social scientists through two courses in statistics.  This […]

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Shaken but not scared

Shaken but not scared

David Canter describes being marooned in Narita Airport when the earthquake struck. Having studied people’s actions in major emergencies as varied as […]

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Sleepers: privacy in public places

Sleepers: privacy in public places

As a social scientist I find it interesting to seek out topics for study that no-one else seems to have looked at, […]

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