
Organized Crime and Its Effect on New Businesses
Business and Management INK
January 27, 2022

Organized Crime and Its Effect on New Businesses

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Research That Shows Impact from the Financial Times Responsible Business Education Awards
Business and Management INK
January 25, 2022

Research That Shows Impact from the Financial Times Responsible Business Education Awards

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Can Video Unlock the Mysteries of Journal Articles for Prospective Future Scientists?
Higher Education Reform
January 20, 2022

Can Video Unlock the Mysteries of Journal Articles for Prospective Future Scientists?

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Building Perspective-Taking Across Diverse Teams and Organizations
Business and Management INK
January 7, 2022

Building Perspective-Taking Across Diverse Teams and Organizations

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COVID-19 One, Responses Many: Did Transcultural Patterns Define Ebbs and Flows?

COVID-19 One, Responses Many: Did Transcultural Patterns Define Ebbs and Flows?

Delineating the domain of transcultural crisis management, this study by Gita Bajaj of the Institute of Management Technology in Dubai; Surabhi Khandelwal […]

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Diversity in the U.S. Government: Let’s Look at the Economists

Diversity in the U.S. Government: Let’s Look at the Economists

A report from the Brookings Institution finds, at least in the case of economists, the U.S. government is roughly at the same place as academe when it comes to diversity.

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Keeping an Eye on Who We Cite – and Who We Don’t

Keeping an Eye on Who We Cite – and Who We Don’t

“Make sure you’re not only citing white guys!” That was the unmistakable takeaway Wednesday as Deen Freelon discussed his research into citation inequities in the social sciences.

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Librarian Survey Focuses on Embedding ‘In Life of the User’

Librarian Survey Focuses on Embedding ‘In Life of the User’

The report ” Librarian Futures: Charting Librarian–Patron Behaviors and Relationships in the Networked Digital Age,” follows from a survey of 4,000 librarians and patrons and synthesizes those survey results with usage data from Lean Library, data from a range of librarian and library stakeholder interviews, and contributions from partners scite, Springshare, OpenAthens and OCLC.

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Leadership at Crossroads: To Dehumanize or Humanize Leadership Education?

Leadership at Crossroads: To Dehumanize or Humanize Leadership Education?

Narrowly focused on leadership as a goal-focused activity, conventional approaches to teaching it, argues Shaista Khilji, have led to the dehumanization of leadership.

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Can Twitter Serve as a Tripwire for Problematic Research?

Can Twitter Serve as a Tripwire for Problematic Research?

Robin Haunschild and Lutz Bornmann discuss their recent findings on how retracted papers were talked about on the social media platform Twitter and how this can be mapped onto the eventual retraction notices of these articles.

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SAGE Concept Grant Winners Announced

SAGE Concept Grant Winners Announced

SAGE Publishing, the parent of Social Science Space, has awarded grants totaling £25,000 to enable the development of six new software tools for social science researchers.

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An Innocuous Quote by Interviewee 11: Re-Thinking Interviews in Social Research

An Innocuous Quote by Interviewee 11: Re-Thinking Interviews in Social Research

Shamser Sinha draws on his experience in qualitative research as well as playwriting to reflect on how traditional social science research methods can learn from creative fields to better contextualize findings and recognize the humanity behind them.

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