
Event: Value of Science: Data, Products and Use
June 21, 2021

Event: Value of Science: Data, Products and Use

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Watch the Webinar: Doing Research Online
June 3, 2021

Watch the Webinar: Doing Research Online

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A Micro Syllabus on Asian American Experiences and Politics
May 17, 2021

A Micro Syllabus on Asian American Experiences and Politics

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Status List of 2021 Social and Behavioral Science Conferences
April 27, 2021

Status List of 2021 Social and Behavioral Science Conferences

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Returning Absentee Ballots during the 2020 Election – A Surprise Ending?

Returning Absentee Ballots during the 2020 Election – A Surprise Ending?

One of the most heavily contested voting-policy issues in the 2020 election, in both the courts and the political arena, was the deadline […]

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Can We Encourage Public Self-Correction in the  Scientific Record?

Can We Encourage Public Self-Correction in the Scientific Record?

Correcting mistakes in light of new data and updating findings to reflect this is often considered to be a key characteristic of scientific research. Commenting on the ‘Loss-of-Confidence Project’, a study into self-correction amongst psychologists, Julia M. Rohrer, suggests that in practice self-correction of published research is, infrequent, difficult to achieve and perceived to come with reputational costs. However, by reframing and changing the static nature of academic publications, it may be possible to develop a research culture more conducive to self-correction.

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Event: An Earth-Friendly Political Economy

Event: An Earth-Friendly Political Economy

On April 28, 2021, join the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) in partnership with the Hewlett Foundation, the […]

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Can Civics Education Boost Youth Voting? Research Suggests No

Can Civics Education Boost Youth Voting? Research Suggests No

New research shows that states that require civics courses do not necessarily have better test scores, more youth voting or young people volunteering at higher rates than other states

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Study: Black Students’ Trust in Their Colleges is Lower

Study: Black Students’ Trust in Their Colleges is Lower

Black undergraduates consistently said they trusted the people who run the colleges they attend – and society overall – substantially less than their white peers did. We have termed this difference the racial trust gap, and it was not a trivial difference.

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Have You Heard the Latest About Workplace Gossip?

Have You Heard the Latest About Workplace Gossip?

The abstract to the paper, “An Integrative Definition and Framework to Study Gossip” appearing in the journal Group & Organization Management states, “The omnipresence of workplace gossip makes understanding gossip processes imperative to understand social life in organizations.”

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Consumption and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Consumption and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Staying at home has completely changed our buying behaviors. Consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated our technological advancement and reliance on […]

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NIH: Exploring the Publication Gap Between Social/Behavioral and Biomedical Research

NIH: Exploring the Publication Gap Between Social/Behavioral and Biomedical Research

Behavioral and social science grant recipients from America’s National Institutes of Health appear to have not published their results within five years at a greater rate than for their non-behavioral peers. An NIH director investigated …

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