
Social Scientists Connect with LinkedIn Data
July 16, 2018

Social Scientists Connect with LinkedIn Data

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More Than A March: Evidence Supporters Gather in Chicago
Public Engagement
July 3, 2018

More Than A March: Evidence Supporters Gather in Chicago

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Six Principles for Scientists Seeking Hiring, Promotion, and Tenure
June 11, 2018

Six Principles for Scientists Seeking Hiring, Promotion, and Tenure

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How Social Media Was Cited in Impact Case Studies?
June 7, 2018

How Social Media Was Cited in Impact Case Studies?

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Social Media Used in Role its Not Equipped For

Social Media Used in Role its Not Equipped For

In a rapidly changing higher education landscape, where the meaning of “impact” are continually developing, benefits of social media seems obvious. Increasing numbers of institutions are encouraging researchers to take up social media to communicate to wider society. However, as Katy Jordan and Mark Carrigan explain, the possibilities social media offers may lead to foreseen problems.

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How to Get Most from an Academic Conference- A Checklist

How to Get Most from an Academic Conference- A Checklist

Going to an academic conference is an exciting opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and exchange stimulating ideas. However, to make the most of a conference requires a lot of hard work before, during, and after the meeting itself. Marta Teperek provides a checklist of things to do at each of these stages.

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Benefits of Transdisciplinary PhD Programs

Benefits of Transdisciplinary PhD Programs

Anna-Sigrid Keck and colleagues designed a structured doctoral program focused on transdisciplinary research and compared students’ publication patterns to students in traditional programmes. While rates of productivity were broadly similar, citation rates were found to be higher for transdisciplinary students, as were indicators of collaboration such as co-authorship.

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Nick Seaver on Dissecting the Algorithmic Organism

Nick Seaver on Dissecting the Algorithmic Organism

When discussing the nexus of computer science and social science, the transaction is usually in one direction – what can computer scientists do for social scientists. But a recent paper from Tufts University anthropologist Nick Seaver reverses that flow, using the tool of ethnography to interrogate the tools of engineering.

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Archived Webinar: Tom Chatfield and Mark Kingwell Discuss Critical Thinking

Archived Webinar: Tom Chatfield and Mark Kingwell Discuss Critical Thinking

Tom Chatfield, author of the new SAGE Publishing book Critical Thinking, and Mark Kingwell, the University of Toronto, held a lively conversation on the import of technology on how we think and act ‘critically.’ Chatfield, described as a ‘tech philosopher,’ and Kingwell, a more traditional professor of philosophy, traded perspectives, insights into the digital, and purportedly post-truth, era in this one-hour webinar.

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Ziyad Marar: Building Bridges Between Big Data and Social Research

Ziyad Marar: Building Bridges Between Big Data and Social Research

In a keynote address delivered to the London Info International conference, Ziyad Marar, president of global publishing for SAGE Publishing, outlines the intersection between big data and social science research. He notes that social and behavioral researchers have seen some opportunities as beyond their grasp, and that SAGE is working to bridge that gap.

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Archived Webinar: Understanding America’s Rural-Urban Interface

Archived Webinar: Understanding America’s Rural-Urban Interface

America’s rural-urban divide, it seems, has never been greater, a point reinforced by large geographic disparities in support for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. But it is also the case that big cities and rural communities are more tightly integrated than ever and are increasingly interdependent, both economically and socially. That was the starting point for a recent webinar which is archived here.

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10 Commandments for Critical Thinking

10 Commandments for Critical Thinking

Sage 5146 Tools

In this collection of videos , Tom Chatfield eschews the biblical but embraces the practical as he gives specific guidance for training your brain to think critically. In a digital era delivering rivers of information awash in ‘fake news,’ the significance and sheer volume of this information make the question of how we engage with it a vital one.

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