
Free Article Collection in Honor of World Statistics Day
October 19, 2015

Free Article Collection in Honor of World Statistics Day

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Round-up of Social Science Research
October 9, 2015

Round-up of Social Science Research

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New Podcast: Jean Twenge on Generational Attitudes on Women in the Workplace
Business and Management INK
October 9, 2015

New Podcast: Jean Twenge on Generational Attitudes on Women in the Workplace

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How Adolescents See Adults Seeing Adolescents’ Texting
October 6, 2015

How Adolescents See Adults Seeing Adolescents’ Texting

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Why Did the Proton Cross the Road? Humor and Science Communication

Why Did the Proton Cross the Road? Humor and Science Communication

The use of humor in public discourse about science has grown remarkably over the past few years, and when used in science […]

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Working for a Living – Jobs, Employment, Labor, Economics

Working for a Living – Jobs, Employment, Labor, Economics

Today is the day in the US when we give a shout-out to all those who labor.  The first Labor Day celebration in […]

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

  The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 800 journals. The articles linked below are […]

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Book Review: Steven Raphael: The New Scarlet Letter? Negotiating the U.S. Labor Market with a Criminal Record

Book Review: Steven Raphael: The New Scarlet Letter? Negotiating the U.S. Labor Market with a Criminal Record

The New Scarlet Letter? Negotiating the U.S. Labor Market with a Criminal Record. By Steven Raphael. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute Press, […]

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Making Sense of Screening: Public Expectations About Screening Still Don’t Match What Screening Programmes Can Deliver 

Making Sense of Screening: Public Expectations About Screening Still Don’t Match What Screening Programmes Can Deliver 

Misconceptions about how screening works, its limitations and possible harms are still being perpetuated by media stories and high profile cases, such […]

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How Do Attitudes Towards CSR Influence Job Choices Across Cultures?

How Do Attitudes Towards CSR Influence Job Choices Across Cultures?

[We’re pleased to welcome Cedric E. Dawkins of Dalhousie University. Dr. Dawkins recently collaborated with Dima Jamali, Charlotte Karam, Lianlian Lin, and […]

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 800 journals. The articles linked below are free […]

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Steven Lukes on Durkheim

Steven Lukes on Durkheim

In this Social Science Bites podcast, social theorist Steven Lukes tells interviewer Nigel Warburton how Émile Durkheim’s exploration of issues like labor, suicide and religion proved intriguing to a young academic and enduring for an established one.

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