
Social science sites of the week
March 20, 2012

Social science sites of the week

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Social Science sites of the week
March 9, 2012

Social Science sites of the week

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My social science career: Interview with Mike Hogg
March 6, 2012

My social science career: Interview with Mike Hogg

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News
March 5, 2012

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

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social science sites of the week

social science sites of the week

Syria- Referendum – Centre for Research on Direct Democracy (c2d)Located at the University of Zurich. This specialist centre focuses upon research relating […]

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Post-PhD careers plan B: Outside of (Traditional) Academia

Post-PhD careers plan B: Outside of (Traditional) Academia

If you are considering a career outside of academia you firstly need to do your homework, this should be easy, if not obvious to any recently completed PhD. Treat your job hunt like a research project

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social science sites of the week

social science sites of the week

This week elections took place in Yemen. See our blog for a post of some sources. This is an example of a […]

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My Social Science Career: Interview with Denis McQuail

My Social Science Career: Interview with Denis McQuail

As part of a series of occasional interviews with leading social scientists, Denis McQuail talks to socialsciencespace about his career in social science and some of the changes that he has witnessed.

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

World Social Science confirmed for 2013, Black Iowans denied jobs test new bias theory, Suicide prevention bill moves ahead in Parliament and more in social science news this week.

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Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Sing your way to good mental health (Psychology of Music) Climate change link to war remains tenuous (Journal of Peace Research) Is long-term love […]

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Social Science Sites of the Week

Social Science Sites of the Week

London Conference on Somalia The UK will host the London conference on Somalia on 23 February. It will involve a number of […]

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My Social Science Career: Interview with George Ritzer

My Social Science Career: Interview with George Ritzer

As part of a series of occasional interviews with leading social scientists George Ritzer, Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland, spoke to socialsciencespace about his influences in the field.

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