Science & Social Science

Social science sites of the week
International Debate
April 19, 2013

Social science sites of the week

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social science sites of the week
April 5, 2013

social science sites of the week

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Social Science sites of the week
March 22, 2013

Social Science sites of the week

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We Aren’t the World
March 13, 2013

We Aren’t the World

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In praise of Sociology! Speech by Pierre Bourdieu

In praise of Sociology! Speech by Pierre Bourdieu

In the February edition of Sociology, a previously unpublished translation of a speech given by Pierre Bourdieu. Here is an excerpt and introduction.

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Sarah Franklin on the Sociology of Reproductive Technology

Sarah Franklin on the Sociology of Reproductive Technology

New technologies have dramatically changed choices around reproduction. Sarah Franklin, Professor of Sociology at Cambridge University, discusses her research

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Science, Advocacy and Anthropology

Science, Advocacy and Anthropology

Contrary to some loudly voiced claims, both advocacy and science are (and long have been) at the core of our discipline.

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Social science sites of the week

Social science sites of the week

Happy New year! Time to set your new year resolutions. the American Psychoplogical Association website has a section on will power and […]

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Big Data: Benefit to Society, or Drowning in a Data Deluge?

Big Data: Benefit to Society, or Drowning in a Data Deluge?

With larger data sets offering researchers the potential to look at more subtle interactions, big data is becoming increasingly valuable to social sciences, yet challenges remain.

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Money Degrades Our Ability to Empathize

Money Degrades Our Ability to Empathize

New research finds that offering people money makes them less likely to correctly infer another person’s emotional state.

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Social science sites of the week

Social science sites of the week Coming soon US Elections. we are following these in our blog Starting points News services Opinion polls Money in the elections […]

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Health, Engineering, and National Security Experts laud Life-Saving Impact of Social Sciences

Health, Engineering, and National Security Experts laud Life-Saving Impact of Social Sciences

A group of scholars and experts who are not traditionally associated with the social sciences were found in one location discussing the important accomplishments of social and behavioral scientists.

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