Science & Social Science

Should PhD Students Be Trained to Make an Impact?
November 19, 2020

Should PhD Students Be Trained to Make an Impact?

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Roger Hood, 1936-2020: Compassionate Criminologist Dedicated to Justice
November 17, 2020

Roger Hood, 1936-2020: Compassionate Criminologist Dedicated to Justice

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Watch the Webinar: Publishing Trends and Academic Writers
November 17, 2020

Watch the Webinar: Publishing Trends and Academic Writers

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Marketing Opportunities and the Commercialization of Social Sciences
November 16, 2020

Marketing Opportunities and the Commercialization of Social Sciences

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We Must Learn to Live With the Virus – Just Like Samuel Pepys Lived With the Great Plague

We Must Learn to Live With the Virus – Just Like Samuel Pepys Lived With the Great Plague

Humanity has a long history of dealing with things like pandemics. What history shows us is that the only practicable interventions are social and behavioral. How can we slow the movement of the new infection through the population while medical science catches up with treatments or vaccines?

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How Can We Ensure Our Research is Inclusive?

How Can We Ensure Our Research is Inclusive?

COVID-19 has led to new ways of working which have transformed research practices. This has created opportunities for research cultures to be more inclusive and accessible- especially to those for whom the university is a barrier. However, post-pandemic, research cultures also need to change. In this post, Stuart Read, Anne Parfitt and Tanvir Bush outline three provocations that researchers can ask as part of an inclusive research practice.

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How to Run an Academic Writing Retreat

How to Run an Academic Writing Retreat

Since it started in 2011, Academic Writing Month has seen a growth of workshops and initiatives aimed at helping researchers to prioritise […]

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“Strategic Discrimination” puts Diverse Candidates at a Disadvantage

“Strategic Discrimination” puts Diverse Candidates at a Disadvantage

When Americans vote this fall, the candidates on their ballots will not reflect the diversity of the United States. Despite recent gains, […]

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SHAPE – A Focus on the Human World

SHAPE – A Focus on the Human World

Social sciences, humanities and the arts can help us in our endeavors, which is why we, along with the British Academy and others, have recently launched SHAPE: Social sciences, Humanities and the Arts for People and the Economy

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Why Social Science? With Prevalent Misogyny, Women Still Don’t ‘Rule’ Equally to Men

Why Social Science? With Prevalent Misogyny, Women Still Don’t ‘Rule’ Equally to Men

Fifty years after Ruth Bader Ginsberg worked to secure constitutional equality for women, misogyny is still alive and well in the American […]

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Businesses See the Value of Social Sciences, But Does Higher Education Policy?

Businesses See the Value of Social Sciences, But Does Higher Education Policy?

The social sciences are recognized for their role in evaluating policy and offering practice-based interventions about ‘what works’. However, they are less […]

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How to Read and Understand a Scientific Paper

How to Read and Understand a Scientific Paper

From vaccinations to climate change, getting science wrong has very real consequences. But journal articles, a primary way science is communicated in […]

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