Social Science Bites

Michelle Baddeley on the Herd
Social Science Bites
February 1, 2017

Michelle Baddeley on the Herd

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Sandy Pentland on Social Physics
Social Science Bites
January 3, 2017

Sandy Pentland on Social Physics

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Jennifer Hochschild on Race in America
Social Science Bites
December 1, 2016

Jennifer Hochschild on Race in America

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Anna Machin on Romance
Social Science Bites
November 1, 2016

Anna Machin on Romance

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Karenza Moore on Dance Culture

Karenza Moore on Dance Culture

Sociologist has studied the dance club scene — think of the lamented Fabric nightclub as a cultural touchstone — for years as a ‘participant observer.’ In this Social Science Bites podcast she talks about the scene’s obvious drug use and the mechanics of doing ethnography at a rave.

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Michael Billig on the Royal Family and Nationalism

Michael Billig on the Royal Family and Nationalism

In his conversation with interviewer David Edmonds, Michael Billig — the author of landmark book ‘Banal Nationalism,’ dives deeply into one particular example of nationalism, the British royal family, and what the British themselves think about the royal family and the place of the royals in British ideology

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Mirca Madianou on Technology and Everyday Life

Mirca Madianou on Technology and Everyday Life

It’s often remarked that technology has made the world a smaller place. While this has been especially true for those with the wherewithal to buy the latest gadget and to travel at will, but it’s also true for economic migrants. Those technological ties are one of the key research interests of Mirca Madianou who discusses her work on transnational families and social media in the latest Social Science Bites podcast.

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Iris Bohnet on Discrimination and Design

Iris Bohnet on Discrimination and Design

“As a behavioral scientist,” Iris Bohnet tells David Edmonds in this Social Science Bites podcast looking at implicit bias, “I strongly believe that we now do have the insights and the tools to help us promote behavior change, not by changing mindsets but changing organizations.”

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Michael Burawoy on Sociology and the Workplace

Michael Burawoy on Sociology and the Workplace

Michael Burawoy is a practitioner of what we might call ‘extreme ethnography.’ In this Social Science Bites podcast, Burawoy tells interviewer Dave Edmonds about his various experiences on factory floors, and some of the specific lessons he learned and the broader points — often unexpected — that emerged from the synthesis of his experiences.

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Stephen Reicher on Crowd Psychology

Stephen Reicher on Crowd Psychology

“In a sense, you could summarize the literature: ‘Groups are bad for you, groups take moral individuals and they turn them into immoral idiots.’ I have been trying to contest that notion,” social psychologist Stephen Reicher says in this Social Science Bites podcast, “[and] also to explain how that notion comes about.”

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Social Science Bites Makes Leap to Print

Social Science Bites Makes Leap to Print

This month, a collection of 18 Social Science Bites podcasts has been released by Social Science Space’s parent, SAGE Publishing in book form. We talk with series co-host Dave Edmonds about Bites’ genesis and direction.

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Janet Carsten on the Kinship of Anthropology

Janet Carsten on the Kinship of Anthropology

One of the leading exponents of what might be called the second coming of kinship studies, Janet Carsten, a professor of social and cultural anthropology at the University of Edinburgh, has (literally) brought new blood into the field, exploring kinship’s nexus with politics, work and gender.

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