
What Makes Sociology Textbooks Original?
July 23, 2012

What Makes Sociology Textbooks Original?

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Textbook World
Higher Education Reform
June 30, 2012

Textbook World

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When the Boys Fit in Better Than the Girls
June 21, 2012

When the Boys Fit in Better Than the Girls

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“Treated like imbeciles”
May 28, 2012

“Treated like imbeciles”

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What Do Higher Education Consumers Want?

What Do Higher Education Consumers Want?

The Guardian yesterday published a set of worrying facts. Even though consumers of higher education pay almost three times as much in tuition fees than they did six years ago, face-to-face with lecturers in class has barely increased

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Microsoft opens up new research center targeting social scientists for hire, what social science can do for India, the social science of archaeology and much more on this Weekly Overview of Social Science News.

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Dumbing up

Dumbing up

The challenge of writing popular psychology came home to me recently when I accepted the invitation to write Forensic Psychology for Dummies

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What are the prospects for global sociology?

What are the prospects for global sociology?

For there to be some sort of global sociology there would need to a recognition of socio-culturally disparate forms of knowledge and institutional settings.

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The Invisible Children in the Seminar Room: Kony 2012 and digital activism.

The Invisible Children in the Seminar Room: Kony 2012 and digital activism.

Since its earliest days there has been a great deal of writing about online activism and the possibility of forming active publics via the Internet.

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Using Racism in the (International) Seminar Room

Using Racism in the (International) Seminar Room

Over the last ten years I have encountered a range of racist discourse in the teaching environment.The first often emanates from international students who inadvertently make inaccurate generalisations based on racial difference. The second is formed within the seminar room, and emanates from British students towards international students.

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Global Sociology Without a Global Audience

Global Sociology Without a Global Audience

I find it ironic that interesting current debates about sociology’s Eurocentrism and calls for a more truly global sociology take place in journals and books that are likely to be inaccessible at many, many universities around the world.

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Better Drowned than Duffers…?

Better Drowned than Duffers…?

Last Saturday, I went to the theatre to a see a touring production based on Arthur Ransome’s novel, Swallows and Amazons…. it prompted a number of thoughts about risk and risk management in the contemporary world.

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