
How Do America’s Teachers Teach 9/11 and its Aftermath?
September 10, 2021

How Do America’s Teachers Teach 9/11 and its Aftermath?

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Most Universities Don’t Keep Up With Changing Communication
September 2, 2021

Most Universities Don’t Keep Up With Changing Communication

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Teaching Sociology in India During the Time of Covid-19
September 1, 2021

Teaching Sociology in India During the Time of Covid-19

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Remote vs. In-Person University Classes: What Did We Know Before COVID?
August 17, 2021

Remote vs. In-Person University Classes: What Did We Know Before COVID?

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Teaching & Learning: Free Resources Page

Teaching & Learning: Free Resources Page

SAGE Publishing (the parent of Social Science Space) has launched a new Teaching & Learning hub with a range of free resources […]

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Online Teaching, Campus Design Upgrades and Institutional Changes

Online Teaching, Campus Design Upgrades and Institutional Changes

The times they are a-changin’ for higher education. Or so say a growing number of commentators. They see COVID-19 disruptions as a […]

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A Primer on Academic Tenure (and Its Tenuous Future)

A Primer on Academic Tenure (and Its Tenuous Future)

In the following Q&A, George Justice, an English professor and author of “How to Be a Dean,” explains the origin of tenure and the waning protections that it affords professors in the United States who have it.

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Watch the Video: What Are Biosocial Sciences and What Are They Doing in Education?

Watch the Video: What Are Biosocial Sciences and What Are They Doing in Education?

In this video, Daphne Martschenko

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Can Civics Education Boost Youth Voting? Research Suggests No

Can Civics Education Boost Youth Voting? Research Suggests No

New research shows that states that require civics courses do not necessarily have better test scores, more youth voting or young people volunteering at higher rates than other states

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Study: Black Students’ Trust in Their Colleges is Lower

Study: Black Students’ Trust in Their Colleges is Lower

Black undergraduates consistently said they trusted the people who run the colleges they attend – and society overall – substantially less than their white peers did. We have termed this difference the racial trust gap, and it was not a trivial difference.

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Watch Video: Inspiring Creativity and Curiosity When Teaching Online

Watch Video: Inspiring Creativity and Curiosity When Teaching Online

In this video Sarah Newman guides you through the process of setting up a workshop to get students interacting through art to help spark creativity.

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Watch the Webinar: White Supremacy, “Post-Truth,” and the Failure of Imagination

Watch the Webinar: White Supremacy, “Post-Truth,” and the Failure of Imagination

The webinar, “White supremacy, ‘post-truth,’ and the failure of imagination: An intercultural praxis approach,” occurs on Wednesday, March 10 at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT.

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