
Is the End of the Lecture in View?
July 7, 2015

Is the End of the Lecture in View?

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You’d Like PowerPoint If You Only Used It Right
June 30, 2015

You’d Like PowerPoint If You Only Used It Right

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Death to PowerPoint (And Why It Will Live)
June 25, 2015

Death to PowerPoint (And Why It Will Live)

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It’s Time to Kill PowerPoint (in the Classroom)
April 29, 2015

It’s Time to Kill PowerPoint (in the Classroom)

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Focusing on Average Treatment Impacts May Underestimate Program Impacts

Focusing on Average Treatment Impacts May Underestimate Program Impacts

When impacts vary from one subgroup to another, then focusing on average treatment effects may underestimate the impacts, according to a recent article by Bradford Chaney.

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Will SPOCs Live Long and Prosper?

Will SPOCs Live Long and Prosper?

We’re familiar with MOOCs — massive online courses. But what’s happened to the smaller — and more human-sized — online courses of yore?

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How to Use Screencasting to Improve Students’ Research Methods

How to Use Screencasting to Improve Students’ Research Methods

If you could make a movie of sorts as you talked over a presentation being made on your computer screen — not […]

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What Happens When Lectures Are Ranked?

What Happens When Lectures Are Ranked?

What does happen happens when lecturers are ranked? Daniel Nehring offers some thoughts on the uses and misuses of student evaluations

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Don’t Let A Snob Story Become a Sob Story

Don’t Let A Snob Story Become a Sob Story

There are a number of species of snobbery that show up on campus and it’s useful to develop skills for counting or even reversing its malign influence. Step one: learn to laugh.

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How Germany Managed to Abolish University Tuition Fees

How Germany Managed to Abolish University Tuition Fees

If Germany has done it, why can’t we? That’s the question being asked by many students around the world in countries that charge tuition fees to university. Barbara Kehm explains how Germany reached this point, and whether it’s likely to stay there.

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What Should Universities Make of Online Brand Awareness?

What Should Universities Make of Online Brand Awareness?

Awareness and prestige of universities is increasingly being driven by their exposure on online platforms. But what does that really mean? Fernando Rosell-Aguilar explores that question.

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The Scottish Referendum: Social Science and National Identity

The Scottish Referendum: Social Science and National Identity

As the independence vote moves from all-consuming question to historical incident, what are the lessons that Scottish universities and in particular Scottish social scientists should take away?

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