Search Result: evidence-based policy

A Reformer of Criminal Justice: Joan Petersilia, 1951-2019
October 23, 2019

A Reformer of Criminal Justice: Joan Petersilia, 1951-2019

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Research on Research
Academic Funding
October 11, 2019

Research on Research

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Video: APS Panel Discusses Nexus of Impact and Life
August 15, 2019

Video: APS Panel Discusses Nexus of Impact and Life

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Fudged Research Results Erode People’s Trust in Experts
August 2, 2019

Fudged Research Results Erode People’s Trust in Experts

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Archived Webinar: A Scientific Approach to Social Science Communication

Archived Webinar: A Scientific Approach to Social Science Communication

As part of a project sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and the Rita Allen Foundation, four science communications experts tackled surrounding the effective and ethical communication of science to relevant policymakers. in this webinar, we talk to the four experts about their findings and the processes they recommend.

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HEPI Offers Clarion Call to Protect Free Speech on Campus

HEPI Offers Clarion Call to Protect Free Speech on Campus

Concerns that free speech is being on university campuses, at least in the United Kingdom, are overblown, with the biggest threat originating not on campuses but from the government and its Prevent program. That’s a key takeaway in a new paper from Britain’s Higher Education Policy Institute, Free Speech and Censorship on Campus.

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The Mental Health Care System Needs Urgent Care Itself

The Mental Health Care System Needs Urgent Care Itself

Whatever level of public awareness exists about mental health, it’s probably safe to say that awareness about the system of mental health care is considerably worse. And that’s a real issue, say the authors of a new book, ‘Mental Health in Crisis,’ whose title banishes any hope that the current system is acceptable. A Q&A with the lead author, Joel Vos.

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At a Glance: The UK’s Twin-track Approach to Measuring Impact

At a Glance: The UK’s Twin-track Approach to Measuring Impact

In his second article in a series on impact, Louis Coiffait looks at how REF and KEF treat impact in the UK.

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Video: Honest Reporting in an Age of News-Shaming

Video: Honest Reporting in an Age of News-Shaming

Between his chastisements of the media, Twitter rants, and dismissal of scientifically conducted studies, some may wonder what it really means to be a reporter in the age of Donald Trump. Recently, a panel of reporters came together to address this question during the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

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Washington and Social Science: Positive Research Funding Plans Still on Track

Washington and Social Science: Positive Research Funding Plans Still on Track

Both houses of the United States Congress have appropriations bills that increase funding for the National Science Foundation and the 2020 Census in the works, and ‘regular order’ is still the rule for seeing them advance to passage. But how long will regular order be regular?

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Building a Foundation on Solid Evidence

Building a Foundation on Solid Evidence

Ziyad Marar, the president of global publishing for SAGE, explains how SAGE’s values and its mission “to build bridges to knowledge” overlap with the intent of the United Kingdom’s Evidence Week, which takes place later this June.

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Research Must Try to Influence Change

Research Must Try to Influence Change

There is no doubt that good communications and framing research for your audience is important to influencing policy and having impact. But shouldn’t we be aiming higher than producing and packaging research that simply meets the demands of policy actors? James Georgalakis argues that research and researchers need to challenge dominant paradigms and expose inconvenient truths.

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