Search Result: evidence-based policy

DBASSE Event Focused on Social Science Responses to COVID’s Challenges
October 29, 2020

DBASSE Event Focused on Social Science Responses to COVID’s Challenges

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Scientists’ Data is Here to Make an Impact
September 23, 2020

Scientists’ Data is Here to Make an Impact

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Social Sciences SHAPE up to Benefit a Post-Pandemic World
September 2, 2020

Social Sciences SHAPE up to Benefit a Post-Pandemic World

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Webinar Looks at How to Encourage COVID-19 Protective Behaviors
September 1, 2020

Webinar Looks at How to Encourage COVID-19 Protective Behaviors

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House Appropriations Panel Aims to Increase NSF Budget

House Appropriations Panel Aims to Increase NSF Budget

This week the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives approved the budget bill that includes funding for the National Science Foundation. The Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Act (CJS) proposes increasing funding for the NSF — which is the largest source of research funding for university social and behavioral science in the United States – by $270 million above the current year’s appropriation.

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How Can Wise Graphics Use Cut Through the Complexity of COVID-19?

How Can Wise Graphics Use Cut Through the Complexity of COVID-19?

Editor’s Note: If you’re curious about the ways in which data visualization and graph use can generate impact with regard to the […]

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Article Collection Examines How to Prevent Police Killings

Article Collection Examines How to Prevent Police Killings

The recent police killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd have given new urgency to the seemingly intractable issue of fatal policy violence, and we offer the articles in the volume to inform the actions of those who work for a less-deadly future.

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A Collection: Behavioral Science Insights on Addressing COVID’s Collateral Effects

A Collection: Behavioral Science Insights on Addressing COVID’s Collateral Effects

To help in decisions surrounding the effects and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the the journal ‘Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences’ offers this collection of articles as a free resource.

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Evaluation Implications of the Coronavirus Emergency

Evaluation Implications of the Coronavirus Emergency

Michael Quinn Patton, a giant in the field of evaluation, has been getting queries from colleagues young and old, novice evaluators and long-time practitioners, asking how he’s making sense of the global health emergency and what I think the implications may be for evaluation. Her’s his take on where we are and what it means.

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Learn From COVID-19 Myths – Don’t Just Debunk Them

Learn From COVID-19 Myths – Don’t Just Debunk Them

Instead of viewing rumors and myths as misperceptions that can be suppressed with accurate information, we should treat them as opportunities to understand — and respond to — the legitimate anxieties of the people who adopt and share them. In other words, we should look at them as valuable feedback that can help improve our own reporting and messaging.

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What the AIDS Response Can Teach Us for Addressing COVID

What the AIDS Response Can Teach Us for Addressing COVID

The ways in which epidemics interact with human society suggest that much can be learned from previous epidemics. Drawing on the historical response to the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s, Donald Nicolson describes four parallels between the responses to these outbreaks and suggests what lessons can be learned by public health authorities responding to COVID-19.

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Census 2020

Census 2020

Sage 0

Brought to You by SAGE Publishing:Social Science and the U.S. 2020 Census “The chief instrument of American statistics is the census, which […]

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