
Proof Over Promise: Finding An Impact Factor for Your Career
September 18, 2014

Proof Over Promise: Finding An Impact Factor for Your Career

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How Concerned Should We Be About Gaming Altmetrics?
July 11, 2014

How Concerned Should We Be About Gaming Altmetrics?

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Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Metric?
June 27, 2014

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Metric?

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Staying Up-to-Date on Your Articles’ Impact
June 26, 2014

Staying Up-to-Date on Your Articles’ Impact

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How Few Papers Ever Get Cited? It’s Bad, But Not THAT Bad

How Few Papers Ever Get Cited? It’s Bad, But Not THAT Bad

Reports of their death have been exaggerated: a look at the literature finds academic papers are not as uncited as recent reports would have you believe, but don’t start celebrating over the genuine figures.

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Aussie Academics Keep Publishing, and May Start Perishing

Aussie Academics Keep Publishing, and May Start Perishing

Under attack from some quarters for research that is portrayed as wasteful or out of touch, it’s time, argues Jason Ensor, to find newer and more public ways to engage the community beyond the ivory tower.

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The Thankless Burden of the Public Intellectual

The Thankless Burden of the Public Intellectual

Scholars are increasingly expected to consider the wider public, but with little to negative promotion incentive. Christopher Meyers finds much of what academics do does not fit into the standard boxes of teaching, scholarship and service. Is it time to replace these categories with a single holistic and qualitative standard?

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Altmetrics Aren’t Always So ‘Alt’ – Ask the Developing World

Altmetrics Aren’t Always So ‘Alt’ – Ask the Developing World

The Web of Science and its corresponding Journal Impact Factor are inadequate for an understanding of the impact of scholarly work from developing regions, argues Juan Pablo Alperin. The altmetrics community should engage with scholars from developing regions to ensure the new metrics do not continue to cater to well-known and well-established networks.

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The Ongoing Evolution of Universities into Newsrooms

The Ongoing Evolution of Universities into Newsrooms

Social media and alternative ways of measuring academic impact are helping turn universities into giant newsrooms, argues Maxine Newlands. That’s not necessarily bad, and it may be inevitable.

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