
How British Literary Psychogeography Offers Possibilities for Researchers
December 20, 2022

How British Literary Psychogeography Offers Possibilities for Researchers

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Do Academics Themselves Undermine Freedom of Expression?
Higher Education Reform
November 21, 2019

Do Academics Themselves Undermine Freedom of Expression?

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Scholars or Cash Cows? What Role Will Foreign Students Play in Post-Brexit Britain?
Higher Education Reform
September 18, 2017

Scholars or Cash Cows? What Role Will Foreign Students Play in Post-Brexit Britain?

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British Sociology and the Conservative Backlash: A Sociology of Sociology More Necessary than Ever
Higher Education Reform
June 14, 2017

British Sociology and the Conservative Backlash: A Sociology of Sociology More Necessary than Ever

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Response to Nehring: What’s the Point of British Sociology?

Response to Nehring: What’s the Point of British Sociology?

Rebutting Daniel Nehring’s recent post asking if sociology still matters in Britain, Robert Dingwall responds that sociology does have a good story to tell about itself, even in the age of austerity.

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Does Sociology Still Matter in Britain?

Does Sociology Still Matter in Britain?

Daniel Nehring sees a fundamental contradiction between the critically engaged scholarship on social inequalities and power structures that British sociologists still produce and the thoroughly financialized, individualistic, and highly competitive organisational logics of the universities in which they work.

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What Will Happen to the Cosmopolitans?

What Will Happen to the Cosmopolitans?

Despite what he calls the poisonously xenophobic tone of politics and public debates in Britain, our Daniel Nehring still finds it a colorfully multicultural and sometimes, in some places, cosmopolitan society. One place he’d especially like to protect that virtue is in British universities.

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What Role Should Overseas Students Play in British Society?

What Role Should Overseas Students Play in British Society?

The rich and diverse ways in which students and scholars of diverse national and cultural origins collaborate at British universities, argues Daniel Nehring, belie the economic reductionism currently fashionable in public debates about higher education.

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EIS: Matching UK Politicians with UK Researchers

EIS: Matching UK Politicians with UK Researchers

Last month a team of UK academics launched an initiative called the Evidence Information Service, which seeks to enable rapid dialogue between researchers and policy makers. Here, the system’s founders describe the response so far and the challenges that lie ahead.

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The Decline of Public Debates About Higher Education in Britain

The Decline of Public Debates About Higher Education in Britain

Just a few years ago, critical voices could still speak through mainstream media to highlight the dangers of the quickly accelerating commercialisation of academia. These commentators have now been pushed to the margins.

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John Urry and Chris Rojek: “British Sociology since 1945″

John Urry and Chris Rojek: “British Sociology since 1945″

Recorded at the British Sociological Association annual conference 2011, sponsored by SAGE. In this interview with Professor John Urry, Professor Chris Rojek […]

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