Business and Management INK 2020

View From South Africa: Complexity Theory and University Leadership
Higher Education Reform
December 3, 2020

View From South Africa: Complexity Theory and University Leadership

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Why We Should Abandon ‘Gender Differences in Competition’ to Explain Women’s and Men’s Unequal Position in Work
Business and Management INK
December 2, 2020

Why We Should Abandon ‘Gender Differences in Competition’ to Explain Women’s and Men’s Unequal Position in Work

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What Does Trustworthy and Credible MTurk Research Look Like? Recommendations and Checklist
Business and Management INK
November 30, 2020

What Does Trustworthy and Credible MTurk Research Look Like? Recommendations and Checklist

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Future Business Leaders, Ethical Values, and National Economic Freedom:  A View from Business Students in Eight Countries
Business and Management INK
October 29, 2020

Future Business Leaders, Ethical Values, and National Economic Freedom: A View from Business Students in Eight Countries

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How to Write, Evaluate, and Use Methodological Literature Reviews

How to Write, Evaluate, and Use Methodological Literature Reviews

Does a checklist of best practices for conducting a methods literature review sound useful? We thought so too.

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A Call to Decolonize Business Schools

A Call to Decolonize Business Schools

The authors call for business schools to re-evaluate the symbols we are promoting. Who are we elevating? Which ideologies? Specifically, we ask that business schools do the work to not just Indigenize (add to), but decolonize (unlearn).

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Businesses See the Value of Social Sciences, But Does Higher Education Policy?

Businesses See the Value of Social Sciences, But Does Higher Education Policy?

The social sciences are recognized for their role in evaluating policy and offering practice-based interventions about ‘what works’. However, they are less […]

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Innovating Service Design Meant Adding Value at the End of Life

Innovating Service Design Meant Adding Value at the End of Life

Figuring out how to do service research with a very special population – but one we will all be part of eventually — was a challenge met by the creators of Trajectory Touchpoint Technique.

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Social Science, STEM and Career Skills: Not ‘Either/Or’ But ‘Both/And’

Social Science, STEM and Career Skills: Not ‘Either/Or’ But ‘Both/And’

As Lina Ashour has recently written, SAGE Publishing has helped make possible a report by the UK’s Campaign for Social Science on […]

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Testing-the-Waters Policy With Hypothetical Investment: Evidence From Equity Crowdfunding

Testing-the-Waters Policy With Hypothetical Investment: Evidence From Equity Crowdfunding

While fundraising is time-consuming and entails costs, entrepreneurs might be tempted to “test the water” by simply soliciting investors’ interest before going through the lengthy process. Digitalization of finance has made it possible for small business to run equity crowdfunding campaigns, but also to initiate a TTW process online and quite easily.

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Management-by-Generation: Does Your Generation Provide the Answer to How You Should Be Managed?

Management-by-Generation: Does Your Generation Provide the Answer to How You Should Be Managed?

Establishing management techniques for an age diverse workforce according to their distinct generational characteristics which differentiate their orientations to work is an idea worth examining, argue Cara Reed and Robyn Thomas.

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Instilling a Higher Sense of Purpose in Business Education

Instilling a Higher Sense of Purpose in Business Education

For all the talk of social consciousness at academic conferences, personal wealth remains the imprimatur of business success par excellence. How then, we asked ourselves, can business schools expect their students to take ethics and social responsibility truly seriously?

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