Business and Management INK 2020

Business and Biodiversity: A View from the Inside
Business and Management INK
August 11, 2020

Business and Biodiversity: A View from the Inside

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Changing Perspectives, Changing Views: COVID and Agile Organizations
Business and Management INK
July 8, 2020

Changing Perspectives, Changing Views: COVID and Agile Organizations

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Integrating Newcomers: Studying the Socialization of Skilled Migrants
Business and Management INK
June 26, 2020

Integrating Newcomers: Studying the Socialization of Skilled Migrants

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Collaboration, Coordination and Cooperation Between Organizations
Business and Management INK
June 13, 2020

Collaboration, Coordination and Cooperation Between Organizations

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What’s Your Exit Strategy?

What’s Your Exit Strategy?

Innovation systems that focus solely on exiting and generating investor profits are not designed to help nurture the best innovations for society.

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How One Study on Entrepreneurial Orientation Would Impact the Field

How One Study on Entrepreneurial Orientation Would Impact the Field

Researchers Andreas Rauch, Johan Wiklund, G.T. Lumpkin, and Michael Frese began looking at the connection between business performance and ‘entrepreneurial orientation’—the entrepreneurial governing style of a business. 

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Pioneer of Mangement Research Methodology: Mark Easterby-Smith, 1948-2020

Pioneer of Mangement Research Methodology: Mark Easterby-Smith, 1948-2020

Mark Easterby-Smith, a pioneer in the creation of research methodology for management studies and co-author of the foundational text of that field, died on April 15 after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. He was 72.

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Infectious Diseases and Long-Run Innovation Consequences

Infectious Diseases and Long-Run Innovation Consequences

Today we welcome two scholars from Texas’s Baylor University whose research into how pathogens affect innovation has taken on new prominence in the wake of the current pandemic.

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Empty Grocery Shelves! Are Supply Chains Resilient Enough?

Empty Grocery Shelves! Are Supply Chains Resilient Enough?

Toilet paper shortages, profiteering from hand sanitizer and empty shelves in grocery stores. Thanks to COVID-19, governments in most industrialized nations are […]

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A Brief Guide to Eco-Leadership

A Brief Guide to Eco-Leadership

SAGE author Simon Western has written a guide to eco-leadership, a new leadership paradigm for organizations in the climate emergency. For Academic Book Week, we asked him to present a short guide to its principles.

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Unleashing the Opportunity of Research in Latin America

Unleashing the Opportunity of Research in Latin America

An upward trend in the productivity of Latin American researchers, increased collaboration between them and scholars from other regions, and societal, cultural, and economic characteristics all make Latin America an ideal “natural laboratory” to build and test management theories.

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It’s About Time: For Shareholders and Bondholders Alike, Temporal Orientation is What Really Counts

It’s About Time: For Shareholders and Bondholders Alike, Temporal Orientation is What Really Counts

When it comes to supporting long-term value enhancing strategies, the temporal orientation (i.e., whether they are dedicated or transient investors) of both shareholders and bondholders matters much more than the type of security they purchased

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