Business and Management INK

Star Performers: Three Types of Star Employees that Excel at Value Creation
Business and Management INK
February 24, 2016

Star Performers: Three Types of Star Employees that Excel at Value Creation

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Watch Business & Management Videos on SAGE Video with a Free 30 Day Trial!
Business and Management INK
February 23, 2016

Watch Business & Management Videos on SAGE Video with a Free 30 Day Trial!

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A Visual Approach to Professional Communication
Business and Management INK
February 22, 2016

A Visual Approach to Professional Communication

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The Workplace Bully is Not Always a Lone Wolf
Business and Management INK
February 19, 2016

The Workplace Bully is Not Always a Lone Wolf

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Is Skills Training on the Decline in the US?

Is Skills Training on the Decline in the US?

Employer-sponsored training plays an important part at all levels of business. On the individual scale, employee-sponsored training can improve productivity and expand […]

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Book Review: Everything in Its Place: Entrepreneurship and the Strategic Management of Cities, Regions, and States

Book Review: Everything in Its Place: Entrepreneurship and the Strategic Management of Cities, Regions, and States

David B. Audretsch : Everything in Its Place: Entrepreneurship and the Strategic Management of Cities, Regions, and States. New York: Oxford University […]

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Innovation and Inclusion: The Role of Shared Stories in Family Firms

Innovation and Inclusion: The Role of Shared Stories in Family Firms

[We’re pleased to welcome Nadine Kammerlander of University of St. Gallen. Dr. Kammerlander recently published an article in the December 2015 issue […]

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Fitting In at Work: Perceptions of Organizational Fit as a Resource for Employees

Fitting In at Work: Perceptions of Organizational Fit as a Resource for Employees

Working with others can be a challenge, not only in terms of navigating the different personalities and behaviors of coworkers, but also in […]

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Seeking Serendipitous Scholarly Discoveries: SAGE Recommends

Seeking Serendipitous Scholarly Discoveries: SAGE Recommends

Research is a fickle process–at times, carefully planned searches and methodical approaches yield a bounty of relevant information, and other times, it […]

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How Do Aggressive Communication Traits Impact Organizational Assimilation?

How Do Aggressive Communication Traits Impact Organizational Assimilation?

[We’re pleased to welcome Michael Sollitto of Texas A&M University. Dr. Sollitto recently published an article in International Journal of Business Communication […]

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Status Update: How Do Organizations Respond to a Dip in Status?

Status Update: How Do Organizations Respond to a Dip in Status?

Status has the potential to return concrete benefits for organizations, but status is subject to change over time, which begs the question, what […]

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New Podcast: Tyge Payne on Empirics in Family Business Research

New Podcast: Tyge Payne on Empirics in Family Business Research

In the latest podcast from Family Business Review, assistant editor Karen Vinton speaks with Tyge Payne of Texas Tech University about the article published […]

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