Business and Management INK

Aiming for Gender Diversity Beyond the Binary
Business and Management INK
August 16, 2023

Aiming for Gender Diversity Beyond the Binary

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Employers’ Engagement with Employment Services in Australia
Business and Management INK
August 15, 2023

Employers’ Engagement with Employment Services in Australia

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The Power of Historical Literature Reviews in Project Management Research    
Business and Management INK
August 14, 2023

The Power of Historical Literature Reviews in Project Management Research    

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Treating Corporate Social Responsibility as a Management Idea
Business and Management INK
August 10, 2023

Treating Corporate Social Responsibility as a Management Idea

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Consumer Acculturation within Cities as Sites of Consumption and Intercultural Interactions

Consumer Acculturation within Cities as Sites of Consumption and Intercultural Interactions

The author and his team’s findings showed that in a context in which the domination of anti-immigration and xenophobic discourses sharply divides the notions of the home (e.g. Iran) and the host (e.g. Germany) countries, the city can function as a bridge for immigrants to develop a sense of belonging to the hosting society.

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Diverse Teams: When Differences Make a Difference

Diverse Teams: When Differences Make a Difference

This study extends our current understanding of team diversity and offers practical insights into managing diverse teams. It’s not just about differences, but also about how they are communicatively framed.

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Conscious Empathic AI in Service

Conscious Empathic AI in Service

Empathic consciousness in AI opens new horizons in service that puts the relationship between the machines and the humans in exciting and uncharted territories.

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Big Profits, Big Harm: Explaining Human Rights Misbehavior by Developing Country Firms

Big Profits, Big Harm: Explaining Human Rights Misbehavior by Developing Country Firms

The authors explore why so many successful firms are abusing human rights when, historically, abusive behaviors were motivated by financial distress and underperformance.

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Understanding and Improving Workplace Neurodiversity

Understanding and Improving Workplace Neurodiversity

The authors seek to shape the discourse around neurodiversity as a strength in the workplace.

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The Authority of Managers in Management Development

The Authority of Managers in Management Development

The management and leadership development programs designed to strengthen a manager’s authority might actually be damaging it.

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A Shift to Consider Platform’s Role in Leadership Research

A Shift to Consider Platform’s Role in Leadership Research

Marilyn Poon, research assistant in the Department of Organization Studies at the University of Innsbruck Austria, discusses leadership research and inspirations behind […]

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Employee Creativity at Work when Coping with Life Trauma: The Importance of Organizational Practices

Employee Creativity at Work when Coping with Life Trauma: The Importance of Organizational Practices

Professor Feirong Yuan discusses the impacts of creativity at work and answers questions about her paper, “Sensemaking and Creativity at Work When […]

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